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Is your child starting preschool? – Tips for parents

Visit the preschool to become familiar with the setting: The more familiar your child is with the preschool staff and the environment, the easier it will be for your child to settle into the preschool. If possible, make a time to visit preschool during school hours.

Be well informed: Talk to the principal and the preschool teacher to find out as much information as you can about your child attending preschool. If you know about the new routines and experiences your child will encounter, you will be ready to answer any questions they might have.

Find out what your child will need to bring to preschool:Talk to your principal or preschool teacher to find out the preschool's requirements regarding lunchboxes, drink containers and other necessary personal items.

Encourage independence: Children who are able to care for themselves and their belongings will feel more confident at preschool. Parents can encourage children to practice personal hygiene, such as wiping their nose and toileting independently. Help your child to feel confident and independent by dressing them in clothing which is simple enough for them to manage with little adult help.
Children who assist in packing their bag at home each morning will readily identify their own belongings during the day.

Label equipment and clothing: Children's belongings may look very similar to their classmates'. Labelling your child's equipment and clothing with their name will help prevent loss, confusion and possible upset for your child.

Pack a change of clothes for preschool: Accidents do happen. There may be a toilet mishap, wet sleeves from hand washing, or mess from craft or outdoor experiences. When accidents occur children prefer to change into their own clothes, rather than "school clothes". Pack a spare set of clothes, labelled with your child's name, in your child's bag.

Share information with the preschool teacher: You child's preschool teacher has many students to get to know. Because you know your child best, you can help the teacher understand your child by sharing information, concerns and insights. Regular communication between parents and teachers bridges the gap between home and preschool and provides opportunities to exchange information which support children's learning.

Parenting Resources:

7 Ways to Help Your Child Learn Self-Control

Vinsave Training and Graduation

Webinar for Responsive Parenting