Doctor of Educational Leadership in Education Systems and Schools

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Undergraduate   Graduate

Start Date

4 Years


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The EdD in Educational Leadership has been designed to meet the needs of current or aspiring leaders in education. These persons need a broad scholarly understanding of contemporary issues in education, practical skills in managing educational institutions, as well as personal attributes that are necessary for ethical and transformative leadership. This broad array of competences is fostered better by a taught professional doctorate as opposed to a research doctorate, which typically requires a very narrow research focus, and which is designed primarily to prepare persons for careers in teaching and research.

The programme has two specialisations: a) Higher Education, for those interested in tertiary education and b) Schools & Education Systems, for those interested in primary and secondary education.

About the Progamme

The EdD in Educational Leadership has been designed to meet the needs of current and prospective leaders in Schools and Education Systems or in Higher Education. It aims to develop:

  1. specialised knowledge pertaining to leadership in a diverse educational environment; educational technology, managing change in educational organizations; policies, practices, and legal issues in education; managing educational resources, contemporary approaches to educational issues and programme evaluation
  2. broad integrative knowledge in organizational systems, theories and contexts in education, principled practice and evidence-based practice
  3. intellectual skills in analytic inquiry; creativity; the ability to engage with diverse perspectives while retaining one’s regional identity; the use of information sources and technology; communicative fluency; quantitative fluency; personal autonomy; setting and achieving goals and inter-personal skills
  4. applied knowledge that manifests through research, innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership
  5. civic knowledge, attitudes and values with respect to contemporary international and regional issues such gender awareness, social, cultural and environmental responsibility; sustainable practices and ethics. 

Who is this programme for?

The programme is designed for persons who are engaged in administrative, supervisory and leadership functions. These include:

  • Senior teachers
  • School principals
  • Officials in Ministries of Education such as Curriculum Officers and Permanent Secretaries of Education

When will the programme start?

The first cohort will be accepted in the revised programme in August 2021.

Delivery Mode

The programme is delivered fully online.

Programme Structure

The programme is a 66-credit course of study that includes:

  1. Core courses in Educational Leadership (9 courses, 27 credits)
  2. Specialisation courses in Schools and Education Systems (4 courses, 12 credits)
  3. Courses in research methods (3 courses, 9 credits)
  4. A comprehensive examination to be completed before research courserooms
  5. Research courserooms to support students in completing their research projects (3 research courserooms, 9 credits)
  6. A research project - written paper, oral presentation (9 credits)
  7. Post research project submission process - review and revision of research project

Entry Requirements

The general prerequisite for entry into the programme will be a Taught Masters degree in an appropriate field from the UWI or another approved University, having achieved at least a B+ average or its equivalent.

The Application Process

The application process for the programme includes the following steps:

  1. Completion of the online application is required by 11 July, 2021, including submission of all required documents prior to close of the application period.
  2. Completed applications are reviewed by the Graduate Admissions Committee and eligibility is determined.
  3. Eligible applicants will be invited for an interview.
  4. After the interview, successful candidates will be sent an offer of acceptance into the programme.
  5. When an offer is made to an applicant, the applicant MUST accept the offer to be eligible for admission into the programme.

Academic Preparation

All new graduate students are required to do the Graduate Introduction to Online Learning (OOL6001) before starting the programme. Students in the Educational Leadership programme are also expected to successfully complete a Graduate Academic Writing course before they are able to take other courses in the programme. During the course of their study students will also be afforded the opportunity to participate in academic writing sessions in the first two years.

Duration and Award of the EdD Educational Leadership Programme

The EdD in Educational Leadership Programme will be offered for a minimum of 4 years. Students who meet the criterion for full-time registration can take a maximum of 3 courses per Semester and 2 in the Summer. Students who are registered as part-time take a maximum of 2 courses per Semester and 1 in the Summer. The degree is awarded after successful completion of the following: taught courses, comprehensive examination, research courserooms, the written submission and oral presentation of a research project, and all required revisions to the research project.

The UWI Regulation for Graduate Registration

In accordance with The UWI Graduate Regulations, “Full-time students may take employment for not more than twelve hours per week without losing their full-time status otherwise they shall be registered as part-time. However, research students who hold Teaching or Research Assistantships in the area of their research programmes may be registered as full-time students, provided that their employment commitment does not exceed twenty hours per week” (Graduate Regulation 1.46).

Award Type

Course of Study