Brand Management

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Brand Management is a relatively new discipline which all small, medium and large companies need in order to position their products and their companies in the global marketplace. No matter the product being sold; whether it is bread, T-shirts, sports drinks, telecommunication services, or luxury vehicles, all companies need to build and manage brands effectively in order to realise maximum results in the marketplace.

Brand management has been defined as "the art of creating and sustaining the brand. Brand management begins with having a thorough knowledge of the term “brand”.   It includes developing a promise, making that promise and maintaining it.   It means defining the brand, positioning the brand, and delivering the brand.  Brand management includes managing the tangible and intangible characteristics of brand. In case of product brands, the tangibles include the product itself, price, packaging, etc. While in case of service brands, the tangibles include the customers’ experience.

Who is this programme for?

This programme is open to individuals who want to expand their knowledge and understanding of brand management.  It is designed for a wide ranging audience of marketing and non-marketing professionals and associates, be they in human resources, customer service, management, finance and extends to all employees who need to understand their critical role in delivering on the brand promise. Students shall be exposed to what it takes to build a strong brand that drives company growth, win more customers and maintain their existing client base.

Programme Structure

The programme consists of four courses. These may be taken together for the completion of the Certificate or participants may be permitted to complete any course for the award of the Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

  • Introduction to Brand Management
  • Essentials of Brand Positioning and Identity
  • Effective Corporate, Creative & Luxury Branding
  • Digital Brand Management

When will the programme start?

Contact your nearest Open Campus Country Site on the start date for the programme.  

Entry Requirements

Applicants do not need prior knowledge or certification in the field but may have been working for a minimum of three years, reached the age of 18 years, undertaken training seminars/ workshops in Marketing, PR or a related field, proficiency in the English language, basic computer literacy and competency. Kindly contact an Open Campus Site location nearest to you for information on the application process. 

Assessment Structure

An eclectic mix of formal assessment by written examination, in class quizzes, projects, presentations, and practicums will be used to evaluate courses offered in this programme. Students will be assessed at various intervals over the duration of each course excluding the standard mid-semester and final examinations. The courses are all learner-centered and industry-focused; and are aimed at producing students who have practical skills and knowledge, as opposed to regurgitation of course texts and lecture notes. Hence, students will be provided with myriad opportunities to develop skills and mastery of the subject matter in each course. There will be ample opportunities for remediation prior to the end of the course period. Students are expected to obtain the required textbooks and possibly recommended texts; however photocopied handouts and online resources will also be made available. Courses will be interactive with practical opportunities to put theory into practice, by assessing and developing brands from a business and design perspective.

Award Type

Course of Study

Level 1
Digital Brand Management

During this interactive, intensive course, participants will be exposed to a variety of topics that relate to the benefits, pitfalls, and best practices of the latest technologies, giving practical guidance to bridge the gap between IT and customer service, delivering high quality service and information to all publics. Participants will also be introduced to some of the latest thinking and methodologies in social media marketing.

Effective Corporate, Creative & Luxury Branding

Participants will be exposed to a variety of topics in marketing and branding for the luxury industry. It is aimed at participants with degrees or prior learning experience in the social sciences or in economic/managerial disciplines who wish to deepen their knowledge of the field of luxury goods, services, and experiences. Students will practice luxury brand communication strategies, from traditional media (advertising, PR, events) to digital and social media. During this course that combines theory and research with practice, students will engage in a rewarding, collaborative dialogue with the industry professionals and consultants who guide your development.

Essentials of Brand Positioning and Identity

Participants will be exposed to a variety of topics that will prepare them to design and establish visual identities and brand standards across a variety of mediums. The course will help the participant look beyond logo design and acquire a fundamental understanding of the aspects of designing a brand system that is replicable, regardless of application or product. During the course, students will work to deliver assigned tasks including group products, class discussions, case studies and debates, therefore, student participation is one of the key success factors since this course will allow students to create and share ideas with each other on various branding issues being group or individual work.  

Introduction to Brand Management

Participants will be exposed to a variety of topics that relate to building and managing successful brands as a key marketing value. They will be exposed to the requirements for develop brand vision and insight to engage target markets. Combining effective brand strategy together with excellence in designing an integrated marketing mix will allow participants the opportunity to not only create great brand plans, but also how brand equity is built and protected.
