APC P.19
from the Board for Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education (October 29,
The APC is
asked to note the following matters relating to the DEC.
Distance Education Centre
19. In the absence
of a Director, the Chair took the Board through BNCC/DE.P.5, a report on the
work of the Distance Education Centre.
He remarked that the DEC should not be without a Director for much
longer – an offer had been made and the person should be taking up the
appointment within a couple of months.
He also noted that he had had news of the former Director, Professor
Koul, who was now back in India.
20. In noting the
contents of BNCC/DE.P.5, the Board observed that many issues were now being
handled by the UWIDEC Academic Programme Committee (APC), minutes of whose most
recent meeting were tabled as Paper 5b.
21. The Board
considered the data on performance in DE courses and comparisons with on-campus
courses and suggested that efforts be made to provide more reliable data in
future. The Board heard of the
difficulties some students face with mathematics and statistics, and of the
summer immersion course offered at Mona to cope with the same problem among
face-to-face students. It recognised,
however, that such remedial courses cost extra and that many students were
reluctant to take them for that reason.
The Board suggested that there might be a case for reviewing the current
material and its packaging in the courses in question. It also heard of the beneficial effects of
regular attendance at tutorials for these courses.
22. The Chair
indicated that the Report mentioned many issues that would need to be managed
by the new Director in association with the APC and the Office of the
Board. With respect to plans for the
summer, it was agreed that the Faculty of Social Sciences should also be
23. The Board heard
that an approach to a funding agency was being considered in an effort to
address the need for improvements at the University Centres. Material and human resources were needed,
but it was also important to include in the changes consequent upon new modes
of delivery of distance education programmes.
24. The Board
considered BNCC/DE.P.5a, a proposal for dealing with the e-mail submission of
course-work. The Board observed that
the question of what would or would not count as submission needed refinement;
with such amendment it agreed that the proposal be submitted to the Board for
Undergraduate Studies and the Board for Graduate Studies and Research for their
consideration as an amendment to the Examination Regulations. Action: Secretary.
25. The Board
received and noted the contents of BNCC/DE.P.5b, draft minutes of the meeting
of the APC on October 22nd.
26. The Chair expressed
his pleasure at the reports of
the Board for Undergraduate Studies’ endorsement of the
Board’s proposal that all students be treated in the same way when considering
exemptions (minutes 5 and 6);
the same Board’s acceptance of the mechanism of provisional
entry for mature students who lacked matriculation requirements (Minutes 39 and
the qualified acceptance by that Board and the Board for
Graduate Studies and Research of the APC’s being given the authority to admit
students to DEC programmes (minute 38) – the Chair noted that some
misunderstandings need to be cleared up, but that the Boards were not opposed
to the idea;
the provision of access to databases throughout the DEC
intranet (22 and 23) and greater access to UWI Libraries for the SCS (24),
though the Chair noted that he would continue to press for more under both
27. The Chair also
drew attention to the decision (minute 42) to post the APC’s documentation on
the Board’s website.
28. Dr Paul
observed that the T.A. Marryshow Community College also has on-line access to
databases which he offered to make available to students of the SCS in
Grenada. The Chair expressed the
Board’s deep appreciation for this offer.
29. Professor
Richardson drew attention to the omission of representatives of the School of
Education at Cave Hill from the APC meeting.
The Chair acknowledged the oversight and undertook to address it in the
more extensive review of the APC’s membership that would take place before its
next meeting. Action: Chair.
30. The Board agreed
that Dr Ghany might table the paper at his Faculty Board, in the absence of a
representative from the Faculty at the meeting.