Ethics and Applied Ethics - PH19B

Schedule of lectures/classes

Materials for the course can be found from the Schedule page. See also the tutorial discussion topics below.

Other links

This is a selection of links to material elsewhere that you might find useful for this course.  I try to indicate when links take you off the campus server - let me know if this makes a difference - it may not if you are working from home.


Guidance for the Course

How will you be assessed?

A brief guide to writing philosophy essays (by Ronald Hepburn, courtesy of the Edinburgh Philosophy Department's website - this copy is here).

Discussion Board

This is a learning experience for me and I hope for you too.  The intention is that by using this discussion board we can achieve what we might otherwise achieve in tutorial sessions, and more.


Each week we shall use a particular text as a basis for discussion.  As indicated above, I hope that most of this discussion can be captured, and preserved for posterity, using the discussion board.  Now that we have a problem with the Board I have put up some notes on the tutorials separately.  They can be reached from the previous link. The current allocation of students to tutorials can be found here.


You can contact me by phone at extension 4023, by email to; or personally on the top floor of the "pink" outreach building on the right-hand side of the road to the Faculty of Law.

Ed Brandon

23 August 2000, last revised 7 October