Cayman Islands Country Conference Pre-Prints  

This page links to copies of some of the papers presented at the Cayman Islands Country Conference, May 27-28, 2004. These versions are offered as a public service by the University of the West Indies. Other papers related to the Cayman Islands may be added as they become available. 

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Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in any of these papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of the West Indies.


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Author Paper
Dax K. Basdeo and Patrick G. Maggitti Entrepreneurial Information Search and its Impact on the Discovery and Exploitation of New Venture Opportunities
Ken Blawatt and Dion Greenidge The Caymans, The Dual Economy and Education in Entrepreneurship
The Hon. Roy Bodden Keynote Address: Navigating the Challenge: The University of the West Indies (UWI) and its Responsibility to the Non-Campus Countries
Paul Byles and Maria Socorro Zingapan Does a Currency Board Automatically Discipline Fiscal Policy?
Vaughan Carter Rethinking Sovereignty in the Global Era: What does this mean for the Cayman Islands?
Tammy Ebanks Bishop Functions, Challenges, and Future Development: The Work of the Women's Resource Centre in the Cayman Islands
Professor Sir Howard Fergus The Cayman Islands: Britain's Maverick Caribbean Colony
A.K. Kumar, Joy Merren and Clara Smith Genetic Disorders in the Cayman Islands
Louise M. Malcolm Is There a Case for a Programme of Continuing Education for School Leavers?
Dr Patricia Mohammed and Marilyn N. Conolly Historical Antecedents in the Development of a Gender Consciousness in the Cayman Islands
Debra Morris Employment Law Reform in the Cayman Islands: The Long and Winding Road
Wil Pineau and Al Ebanks Self-Determination - The United Kingdom and the Overseas Territories
Mary E. Rodrigues An Overview of the Development and Implementation of a School Inspection System in the Cayman Islands
Dr Livingston Smith Between Colony and Independence: Constitutional Modernization in the Cayman Islands
Scott Swing Caymanians in Education: Why do so Few Caymanians Choose Teaching as a Career?
Hassan I Syed The National IT Skill Development in Cayman Islands

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© The University of the West Indies, 2004. Last revised 9th August 2004.