Office of the Board for Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education

Vol 1. No. 1 - November 1999

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It has long been the desire of Resident Tutors, prospective students, Alumni, and other stakeholders in the non-campus countries, and furthest parts of the campus countries to have a more timely and less erratic flow of information from the campuses and the central University administration in Jamaica. This newsletter represents one of several initiatives being undertaken by the Office of the Board for Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education to meet this desire and, more generally, to forge closer ties between the University of the West Indies (UWI) and its non-campus stakeholders. This and subsequent issues will bring you current news of events, activities and new initiatives at the UWI, as well as examine some of the urgent issues and challenges being faced by the University and how it has been responding as it attempts to fulfill its developmental mandate in the region.


The University's Board for Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education recently launched a programme of Scholars and Artists in residence in the non-campus countries. The programme, which has received funding from the Caribbean Development Bank, is designed to provide quality scholars and artists with the opportunity to reside and work for specified periods in a non-campus country (NCC) so that through workshops, seminars, lectures, discussions, exhibitions, or clinics, they can share their work with the residents of the territory. Scholars and artists in residence will therefore not only be given the opportunity to pursue their own intellectual and creative work, but more importantly they will be able to contribute to the intellectual life of the NCCs and increase the level of research conducted within them. At the same time, the programme will encourage and facilitate the spread of skills and knowledge across the region. Among the specific objectives of the programme are:

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Categories of persons who may apply or be proposed for the awards include: members of any academic institution; recognized scholars and creative artists, and; persons having special knowledge of importance to Caribbean life and culture.

The specific criteria for determining the awards will include:

Duration of Awards

The duration of an award as a scholar or artist in residence shall be determined in relation to the intended work and the availability of funds. Under normal circumstances appointments will be for one to three months.

For further details on the Scholars and Artists in Residence programme in Non-Campus Countries please contact the UWI Resident Tutor in your country. The programme will commence 1st January 2000.

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Throughout the world universities and other tertiary education institutions are being challenged to produce graduates who can adjust and indeed make effective responses to the numerous challenges of a rapidly changing work environment. In order to assess how well the UWI was doing in meeting this challenge the Board for Undergraduate Studies in the academic year 1998/99 commissioned two studies to explore the issue of the graduate and the workplace.

One study which focused on how employers in the non-campus countries viewed the UWI graduates "aimed to determine how adequately the UWI on-campus experience prepared its graduates for the challenges of the modern labour market with respect to" (a) the breath and depth of knowledge base; (b) leadership capabilities; (c) collaborative and teamwork skills; (d) technical competencies; and (e) flexibility and adaptiveness. A number of strengths and weaknesses were identified and the employers also made a number of recommendations for improving the quality of the UWI graduate.

Study 1: How Employers View UWI Graduates

The UWI graduates were perceived to have the following strengths:

The following summarize the weaknesses, and therefore unfulfilled expectations of employers:

Included among the recommendations made by the NCC employers or gleaned from interview discussions with them were:

Study 2: Graduates' Perceptions

The second study looked at UWI graduates' perceptions of their experience in the university with particular emphasis on: (a) Academic content of the degree; (b) Learning experiences within the degree and; (c) Aspects that were conducive to learning.

The study revealed that:

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In an effort to forge closer ties between the university and the non-campus countries, as well as more effectively exploit the human resource potential of the region the University has established a scheme of Honorary Associates. These Honorary Associates are expected to perform the following functions:

The first group of Honorary Associates to be appointed include:

Honorary Associates will be appointed in the other non-campus countries.

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The UWI Alumni is now being revitalized and afforded the opportunity to play their part in the development of the university and the region. Coming out of last year's 50th anniversary celebrations, is a new commitment and initiative on the part of the UWI to rebuild the alumni chapters in the region and overseas. The Office of Administration and Special Initiatives (OASIs) headed by Pro- Vice Chancellor Professor Marlene Hamilton has been assigned responsibility for reinvigorating the Guilds. OASIs has proposed the establishment of Alumni offices on the three campuses which will be managed by dedicated staff and committed to providing excellent service to the various alumni branches in the region, as well as those in the UK, USA, and Canada. Plans are also being made to:

UWI Officials and staff from OASIs including Pro Vice-Chancellor Marlene Hamilton and Pro Vice-Chancellor Woodville Marshall and Principal Compton Bourne, have already made visits to the regional Alumni chapters in Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Antigua, the British Virgin Islands, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, and Dominica, as well as to extra-regional alumni branches in London, Toronto, Washington, New York, and Miami. Discussions with these alumni chapters focused on developing new structures for the alumni, the distribution of Alumni newsletters, the role and function of the Guild, and the extra-regional alumni branches also made pledges of fund-raising.

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The current members of the Board for Non-campus Countries and Distance Education are as follows:

Pro Vice-Chancellor Woodville Marshall, Chairman

Pro Vice-Chancellor Marlene Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor's Nominee

Professor Lawrence Carrington, Director, School for Continuing Studies

Professor Badri Koul, Director of Distance Education Centre

Dr Bevis Peters, Director of Tertiary Level Institutions Unit

Mrs Joy Pilgrim, Secretary--Deputy University Registrar

Campus Principals or Nominee:

Reps. of Governments of NCCs:

Reps. of Association of Caribbean Tertiary Institutions (ACTI):

Reps. of Academic Boards:

Resident Representatives:

Outreach News would like to especially welcome the new members of the Board and thank those who served on the Board previously.

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UWI New Appointments & Promotions

The following persons were recently promoted to professorships:

Among the new appointments which are of special relevance to the non-campus countries is that of Ms. Simone Augier as Project Officer in the Office of the Director in the School of Continuing Studies, at the Mona campus. The post of Project Officer was created to strengthen the SCS's ability to effectively mobilize and implement a number of new initiatives which have been formulated. Ms Augier, who has a Master's degree in Human Resources Management, will assist with coordinating the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of several special programmes and projects designed to strengthen and broaden the work of the SCS in the non-campus countries.

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To communicate with the editor please send e-mail to Dr Howe.

HTML version created December 13th, 1999.

URL: http://www.uwichill.edu.bb/bnccde/docs/out1.htm

© University of the West Indies