Scholarships for Students in the NCCs

Please note that all information given here should be checked with the appropriate registry or other agency responsible for the award.

There are a good number of scholarships for study at UWI and at other universities which are open to Caribbean students without any territorial restriction. So, for instance, at Cave Hill students from the NCCs are eligible for the awards listed below. There will be similar open scholarships at the other campuses. Information on all these is available from the campus registries. Similarly, students from any Caribbean country may apply for such awards as the WIGUT (Cave Hill) Travel Bursaries which give some help for specific activities. Again, details are available at the campuses.

The University awards a small number of University Open Scholarships and more University Bursaries on the basis of performance in the annual University Scholarship Examination - results here are also used to award several privately funded scholarships. Students in the NCCs should note that a proportion of the Open Scholarships is reserved in the first instance for students from the NCCs, although there is also a minimum required score on the examination.

National Governments control the award of scholarships funded by several sources. Application should be made to the relevant Government Training Division.

On this page we only list non-governmental awards for which eligibility is restricted to students from some or all of the NCCs. Given Cave Hill's special relationship with the OECS NCCs, most awards are at and administered by Cave Hill. Application forms and more information are available from the Cave Hill Student Affairs, Records Section.

Awards at UWI

Award for Grenadian students

Awards tenable elsewhere

Other Assistance

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Prepared 15th May, 1998, last revised June 5th, 2007.


© The University of the West Indies, 2004, 2007.