The Guild of Graduates

Indications of interest in restarting the Guild began to surface after the Press Conference held to launch the 50th Anniversary of the UWI on December 11, 1998. By the time of the Vice-Chancellor’s arrival in Grenada on March 4th, 1998, a group of graduates had come together, and styled themselves "The Interim Committee for the Re-launch of the Guild".

The Interim Committee arranged for the re-launch of the Guild on May 14th, 1998. Dr. the Hon. Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of St Lucia, graciously consented to give the feature address. The event was very well attended, and culminated in the election of officers.

The Guild has since been extremely active. Since the re-launch, they have staged a highly successful Carnival Fête, a games evening and a televised "State of the Nation Debate" featuring speakers from Grenada’s six political parties. The debate received much acclaim as a very worthy effort towards improving Democracy and Governance. A Gala Dinner and Ball was held on New Years Eve, 1998, with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor the Hon. Rex Nettleford as the after dinner speaker.

The members of the Guild Executive are:

PRESIDENT Mrs Margaret Payne
VICE-PRESIDENT Ms. Leslie Ann Seon
VICE-PRESIDENT Mrs Candianne Williams
TREASURER Mr. Terrence Smith
SECRETARY Ms. Lisa Taylor
Ms. Kay Julien
Ms Claudia Alexis
Mr Angus Steele

UWI graduates and graduates of other universities recognised by UWI who live in Grenada are all welcome to join the Grenada branch of the Guild and to participate in its activities. Join our mailing list by contacting the Secretary of the Guild through the University Centre.

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© University of the West Indies. Revised 23rd February, 2000.