Programmes at the Centre

Every activity at the Marryshow House University Centre is a School of Continuing Studies activity. For example, even though the Distance Education Courses are planned and directed by the Distance Education Centre, the executive function in Grenada is under the auspices of the School of Continuing Studies. Information on these DEC programmes is now available from the DEC's website.

There are certain programmes that are entirely the responsibility of the School of Continuing Studies. If you are interested in taking any of these programmes, please do not hesitate to contact the Centre.

This one-year Certificate is designed to train persons working in the areas of Addiction Prevention and Addiction Intervention. The course in Grenada follows the syllabus designed by specialists on the three campuses, and approved by the funding agents, the United Nations International Drug Control Programme and the Inter American Drug Control Commission of the Organization of American States, and overall project director, Professor Don Meeks of the Addictions Research Foundation of the University of Toronto.

The Co-ordinator for this project is Mr. Basil Harford. The Manager is the Resident Tutor. A new cohort of students started in February, 2000.

This project was launched in September, 1998. The Programme in Grenada has a common syllabus with the School of Continuing Studies in Barbados. It is supervised by Mr. Joseph King, the Co-ordinator in Barbados. The Grenada students sit the same examination as the students at SCS in Barbados, and the scripts from Grenada are second-marked in Barbados.

This Certificate Programme is offered in collaboration with the Grenada Association of Professional Secretaries (GAPS). The local Co-ordinator is Mrs Theresa Peters-Hosten. The management of the Programme is shared between the University Centre and GAPS.

The School of Continuing Studies has taken on the responsibility for the execution of three projects originating outside the School. Groundwork for these projects was accomplished during 1997/98, by the agency responsible for the programme, the SCS Director’s Office, and by the Resident Tutors executing the project at the delivery end.

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© The University of the West Indies. Partially revised 18th January, 2002.