General Works
001 Great Britain. Grenada
Report for the Year. London: HMSO. for the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office.
Serial: Annual to Bi-Annual.
Part I gives a review of the administration and economy of the country for the years under review. Part II gives a report on different segments of the society including population, the economy, social services, legal and judicial matters, public utilities, communications and the media. Part III gives the background to the country and a reading list. The earlier volumes are referred to as Colonial Reports [Annual].
Between the libraries the following were found:
1890-1897, 1900-1901, 1905-1927, 1935-1938, 1948-1958, 1961-1966.
002 Grenada. Annual Administrative Reports. St George's, Grenada: Government Printer
Serial: Annual
A collection of Government Reports usually containing the Registrar General's Report, the Report of the Registrar of the Supreme Court, the Annual Report of the Treasury, Report on the Police Department, Reports from the Police Magistrates for the Western and Eastern Districts, Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Works, Annual Report of the Superintendent of Prisons, annual Report on the Public Officers Guarantee Fund, Report on the Primary Schools for the Year, Meteorological Report, Report of the Commissioner of the Carriacou District, and the Report on the Agricultural Department. The reports in this Compendium are also to be found published singly and with the Legislative Council papers.
An almost complete series between 1900-1932 was found between the libraries.
003 [Drayton, Edward] comp. The Grenada Handbook Directory and Almanac. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, 1897. 223p.
A compendium of civic information, historical data and calendar of events for the year, compiled by the Colonial Secretary. This volume contains illustrations.
004 [Drayton, Edward]. comp. The
Grenada Handbook Directory and Almanac. London: Wyman &
Sons, 1914. 227p.
A compendium containing the official almanac for the year 1914, an extensive historical section beginning at 1498.. information on the British Crown and British Government, education, agriculture, economy, finance and natural history in Grenada, lists of prominent people in Grenada, services, businesses, postal information and other information expected to be useful to users of that day. Compiled by the Colonial Secretary, it was updated in subsequent years.
005 [Knight, E. Gittens]. comp. The
Grenada Handbook and Directory 1946. Bridgetown, Barbados:
The Advocate Co., Ltd. in collaboration with the Government of
Grenada, 1946. 392p. + Index.
An update of previous Grenada Handbooks, it is mostly referred to for its extensive historical section and socio-economic description of the island up to 1946. It also contains useful information on Grenadian institutions and society at this time. This was the final handbook in the series.
006 The Grenada Co-operative Nutmeg
Association. Grenada Co-operative Nutmeg Association. St.
George's, Grenada: The Grenada Co-operative Nutmeg Association,
1948. 24p.
A collection of radio speeches dedicated to Grenada's nutmeg producers, published together with a report on the Nutmeg Industry for 1947. The broadcast addresses are as follows. "A West Indian University" by Sir Clement Malone, "Spice Preparation" by N. O'Brien Donovan, "The Nutmeg Ordinance as a Co-operative Measure" by F.M. Henry, "The policy of the Nutmeg Board" by S.H. Smith, "Aims and Objectives of the Grenada Co-operative Nutmeg Association" by A. Williamson, "My Experience with Co-operatives" by Beatrice Otway, "The Marketing of Spices" by P.G. Hosten, "A Straight Talk to Producers" by W.A. Knight, "Peasant Clubs and the Co-operative" by Lionel Alexis and "In Support of the Nutmeg Board" by Allan St. Bernard.
007 Huckerby. T. Petroglyphs of Grenada and a Recently Discovered Petroglyph in St. Vincent. Indian Notes and Monographs, Vol.1, No.3. New York: Museum of the American Indian Heyl Foundation, 1921. 164p.
The history of the Caribs in Grenada is recounted from the earliest European contact to the massacre of the last Caribs in 1705. The author speculates on the movement of the Carib Indians from South America through the West Indies, displacing other tribes of Amerindians. He suggests that the petroglyphs in Grenada are from the Arawak Culture due to similarities with other petroglyphs elsewhere known to be Arawak in origin. He states that the petroglyphs were probably used for a variety of purposes, but possibly were centres for religious worship or dance centres. A detailed description of the petroglyphs at Mount Rich and Victoria in Grenada is given with the help of photographs and sketches.
008 Roux, Phillippe de. Le Marquis de Casaux, un Planteur des Antilles, Inspirator de Mirabeau. Paris: Societé de l'histoire des Colonies Françaises; en vente: Libraire Larose, 1951. 62p.
References to Grenada confined
to the first two Chapters.
Written in French.
Crime & the Police
009 Grenada. Police Force. Rules, Regulations and Standing Orders, 1899. London: Spottiswoode & Co., 1899. 31p.
A rule book for the Non-Commissioned Officers, ranks of the Grenada Police force and rural constables. It includes the conditions for enrollment, dress and equipment, some of the laws that the police might have to apply, procedures for arrest, evidence, fires, riots, leave and "Internal Economy and Discipline Generally".
010 Grenada. Report of the
Police Magistrate Western District. St. George's, Grenada:
[Government Printer ]
Serial: Annual.
A brief summary of the cases tried for the year and the outcome with general comments on the nature of the cases. Notes on staff may be included.
The following were found as single publications:
1901, 1903, 1904, 1908, 1909, 1918, 1921, 1922, 1923
011 Grenada. Report of the
Police Magistrate, Northern District. St. George's, Grenada:
[Government Printer]
Serial: Annual
A brief summary of the cases tried for the year and the outcome with general comments on the nature of the cases. Comments on the social conditions in the area are also included.
Only one issue [1901] was found as one report.
012 Grenada. Report of the
Police Magistrate, Eastern District. St. George's, Grenada:
[Government Printer]
Serial: Annual.
A brief summary of the cases tried for the year and the outcome with general comments on the nature of the cases. Notes on staff matters may be included.
The following issues were found bound as single reports:
1906, 1912, 1914, 1918, 1922, 1923
013 Grenada. Annual Report of
Police Force. St George's, Grenada: [Government Printer]
Serial: Annual.
Usually contain a general report and survey for the year, organisation and administration of the force, recruiting and training, crime statistics and activities and specialities of the C.I-D, report on the specialized branches, welfare and recreational activities and other police duties mainly to do with immigration control, liquor and trade licences, control of weights and measures, the fire services and firearms & explosives. Tables of crime and other statistics concerned with the operation of the police force are included.
The following issues were found as single reports:
1904, 1930-33, 1949, 1951-64.
014 Grenada. Annual Report of
the Prisons Department. St George's, Grenada: [Government
Serial: Annual.
An account of the operation of the Prisons Department including a general review, staff & staff recruitment, prisons buildings, a report from the Headmaster of the Boys Industrial School "Melrose" for juvenile offenders, matters concerning the prison population, and a statement of expenditure and the cost of maintaining prisoners. The Appendices give statistics on prisoners.
The following issues were found as single reports:
1948-1966 & 1969
016 Proudfoot, Malcolm J. Population Movements in the Caribbean. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad: Caribbean Commission, 1950. 187p.
This study encompasses data for the entire Caribbean including French, Dutch and Spanish speaking countries. Part I gives the general background to population movements, Part II describes the population movements which have taken place in the Caribbean during this century, Part III gives the present outlook for migration, and Part IV gives the conclusions drawn from the study. There are 31 Tables and five appendices of data, many of which contain statistics specific to Grenada. The author is Professor of Geography at North-Western University, Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A.
017 Grenada. Registrar General's
Office. Report and General Abstract of the Registrar General
of Births Deaths and Marriages. St. George's, Grenada:
[Government Printer]
Serial: Annual.
A profile of the population for the year.
The following issues were found as separately bound:
1873, 1928, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1943-1959.
018 Grenada. Report and General Abstracts of the Census of 1891 with Graphic Tables and Notes Thereon prepared by C.H. Johnson. St. George's, Grenada: [Government Printer], 1891. 40p.
This is a report on the Census of 1891, by the compiler to the Governor-in-Chief of the Windward Islands, Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson. It describes the population in terms of increase, parishes, density, housing.. sexes, ages, marital status, professions and occupations, and country of birth. Special notes are made on the East Indian population, the estates, religion, illnesses, and people in institutions. In addition to tables in the body of the report, the appendix contains 40 additional tables.
019 Grenada. Report and General
Abstracts of the Census of 1901 Prepared by the Hon. N.J.
Patterson. St. George's, Grenada: [Government Printer], 1902.
This report was submitted by the compiler to the Governor-in-Chief of the Windward Islands Sir Robert Baxter Llewelyn. It describes the population in terms of size, density, parishes, sexes, families and houses, marital status, religion, age and occupation. There are special notes on "The Coolies", countries of birth and sickness. In addition to the tables in the body of the report, 45 are presented in the Appendix.
020 Grenada. Report on the 1911 Census of Grenada. St. George's, Grenada: [Government Printer], 1911. 32p.
A report by the compiler, G.W. Smith, for the Administrator, Hon. Edward Drayton, on the results of the 1911 Census. The population is described in terms of size, density, parishes, towns, sexes, marital status, religion, ages, occupations, countries of birth, sicknesses and horses & cattle. There is a special note on East Indians in Grenada, and immigration to the Canal zone and South America is especially mentioned in this report. Tables illustrate the text, and 40 additional tables are presented in an appendix.
021 Grenada. Report on the 1921 Census of Grenada. St. George's: [Government Printer], 1921. 70p.
This takes the form of a report by the Compiler, Mr D. J. Garraway, to the Colonial Secretary. It is a rendering of the Census taken in 1921, by parish, sex, race, occupation, country of birth, nationality, language, religion, education, marital status, and housing. It contains tables throughout the report, and 49 additional ones in the appendix.
022 Raders, J.E.N.F van and D.L. Wolfson. Verslag Eener Reis Narr Demerary, Grenada en Guadeloupe Gedaan op Last van Zijne Excellentie den Gouveneur der Kolonie Suriname. Paramariba: J. C. Mueller Az., 1846. 156p.
A ten page description of a visit to plantations and points of interest in Grenada is included in this book which is written in Dutch.
023 Stark, James H. Stark's Guide and History of Trinidad: Including Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent; also a Trip up the Orinoco and a Description of the Great Venezuelan Pitch Lake; Containing a Description of Everything Relating to These Places that Would be of Interest to Tourists and Residents. Boston: James H. Stark Publisher, 1897. 172p.
A comprehensive description of Trinidad covering aspects of its history, commerce and agriculture, economy, indentured immigration and places of interest. Chapter XII is devoted to Tobago, Grenada and St. Vincent. Between pages 158 - 165 there is a discussion on Grenada with a description of the island and its capital, a history of the Caribs, an account of its agriculture and a discussion on the racial composition of its people. Among the many photographs included in this book is one of St. George's [upper Granby Street and Market Hill] and an engraving of Grenada's fruits.
024 Bell, Hesketh J. Obeah; Witchcraft in the West Indies. 1889. Reprint. Westport, Connecticut: Negro Universities Press, 1970. 200p.
Descriptions of Grenada and anecdotes on Grenadian life with a focus on superstition, folklore, and African religious practices written by an early English Governor of Grenada.
025 Wells, Septimus. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of The Island of Grenada. Kingston, Jamaica: Aston W. Gardner & Co., 1890. 37p.
A book written by the editor of the Grenada Chronicle for the 1891 Jamaica Exhibition. A brief summary of the geography and early history is followed by a list of the principal historical events from 1832 - 1889. St. George's is described in detail and Victoria, Sauteurs and Grenville briefly. An account is then given of Grenada's agriculture, highlighting cocoa production. Included is a brief discussion of the climate, commerce, people, "natural curiosities", political life, wild life, land utilization, revenue and education. A separate section of the book is entitled "Hints for Tourists Contemplating a Visit to Grenada" and describes the sea journey from Jamaica to Grenada, and suggestions for transport from the U.S.A. and the U.K. An appendix reprints extracts from Mr H.H.J. Bell's description of Mineral Springs in Grenada, and a further appendix lists import duties of items into Grenada. The book contains eight photographic plates of scenes in Grenada.
NLJ, UWI J (microfilm), LC
026 Devas, Raymund P. Up Hill and Down Dale in Grenada. St. George's, Grenada: The Grenada Guardian Ltd., 1926. 93p.
This English Dominican Catholic Priest has written an introduction to Grenada from the viewpoint of a naturalist, and mountain climber. An introduction to the island's geography and cartography is given, and a description of the roads and trails to the mountain peaks, waterfalls, lakes and other beauty spots. The author also provides notes on the iguana and the birds of Grenada, and also includes a separate chapter on Carriacou.
027 Ball, Derrick. A Bungalow by the Beach. London: Peter Davies, 1950. 216p.
An account of the author's arrival in Grenada, his impression of people and places, and his adjustment to life on the island. Eight photographs are included.
028 Fermor, Patrick Leigh. The Traveller's Tree. A Journey through the Caribbean Islands. London: John Murray, 1950. 403p.
Contains thirteen pages of impressions, anecdotes and history of Grenada, including a rendition of Fedon's Rebellion. Illustrated, including four photos of Grenada.
029 Tourist Development Board. Grenada, British West Indies. Spice Island of the West. St. George's, Grenada: The Tourist Development Board, n.d. 22p.
A brochure produced for tourists describing the island and providing tourist information. Contains several black and white photos of Grenada circa 1943 - 1948. A brochure Grenada, Spice Island of the West has identical script, but different photographs.
030 Grenada. Report of the Public Works Commission of Enquiry. Laid before the Legislative Council on the 23rd February, 1887. St George's, Grenada: Government Printing Office, 1887. 24p.
The Commission headed by Lionel Payne Gallway examines matters pertaining to the maintenance and designation of roads, public buildings, mainly on aspects of finance. They append schedules of questions asked by the Commission of the Director of Public Works, and his answers, estimates for the cost of the Richmond Hill Prison Infirmary, causeways on the Belvedere Road and for the maintenance and reconstruction of roads and byways. Also included is a supplement from a member of the commission, Edward Passee, complaining of the unsatisfactory work of Road Surveyors, the quality of work done on the roads, and other criticisms and suggestions on the road system, bridges and causeways.
031 Grenada. Telephone Dept.
Report. [St. George's, Grenada: Government Printer]
Serial: Annual to Bi-Annual
A report to the Governor by the manager of the telephone company giving an account of the finances and improvements to the service during the year.
Only one issue was found: 1897
032 Grenada. Report on the
Treasury. St George's, Grenada: [Government Printer]
A report written by the island's Treasurer giving an account of Revenue and Expenditure, Financial Position of the Colony, the Savings Bank, Imports, Exports, Shipping, and Staff Matters. Details of the Accounts are provided in tables as appendices.
The following issues were found as separate reports:
1898, 1899, 1902/3, 1903/4, 1904, 1906
033 Grenada. Blue Book.
St. George's, Grenada: [Government Printer]
Serial: Annual
A handbook which contains the annual statements of Government's revenue, expenditure and finances, and includes statistics and finances for health, crime,, population, churches, education, commerce and lists new legislation, the civil establishment, foreign consuls, publications, and charitable and literary institutions.
The following issues were found:
1864, 1883, 1885, 1886-1889, 1891-1900, 1902-1908, 1910-1918, 1920-1938.
034 Grenada. Returns of
Imports and Exports. St. George's, Grenada: [Government
Serial: Annual
This was continued as Annual Overseas Trade Report. It reviews the annual trade and includes statistics for imports, exports and analyses by currency, area and country.
The following issues were found:
035 Grenada. Estimates of
Revenue & Expenditure. St. George's, Grenada: [Government
Serial: Annual
Estimates of Government recurrent and capital expenditure. A list of established posts and standard salary scales for civil servants is customarily included as an appendix and an accounting of Government .indebtedness. Sometimes this serial is entitled Grenada Estimates.
The following issues were found:
1913 - 1915, 1933 - 1988
036 Grenada. Report of the
Director of Audit, Grenada on the Audit of Accounts. St.
George's, Grenada: Government Printer
Serial: Annual
A report On Government Accounts including comments on how the accounts were kept by the various government departments, assessment of revenue and expenditure, comments on some individual departments, statements of investments, public debt, assets, liabilities, and other matters. This report supersedes report of the Principal Auditor, Windward Islands, on the Audit of Accounts for Grenada.
The following issues were found:
1935-37, 1939, 1944-57, 1963-67
037 Grenada. Report on the
Post Office Department. St. George's, Grenada: Government
Printing Office
Serial: Annual
An accounting of the Post Office's activities, branches, postal traffic and revenue.
The following issues were found:
1930-33, 1938, 1953-65
038 Benham, Frederic. The National Income of Grenada 1942. Development and Welfare in the West Indies Bulletin No. 12, 1942. 7p.
Dr Benham acknowledges the assistance of two Grenadians, W. O'Brien Donovan, the Agricultural Superintendent, and E. Gittens-Knight, the Colonial Treasurer, in preparing this memorandum. In addition to the summary reckoning of the National Income, the value of the following are detailed in tabular form: exports of domestic produce, foodstuffs for local consumption, manufacture for local consumption,, government services, distribution of imports, rental value of houses, new construction, and income from abroad. Some idea is also given of income distribution.
039 Grenada. Commission of Enquiry into the Position of the Grenada Sugar Industry. Report. St. George's, Grenada: [Government Printer], 1945. 23p.
An investigation into the Grenada Sugar Factory and its Woodlands, Calivigny and Hope Vale Estates, with a view to justifying a request from the Grenada Sugar Factory Company for an increase in the price of sugar, and to make recommendations concerning the future production of sugar and the terms on which a further agreement between the Government and the Company might be reached. As a result of a study of all the factors impinging on the cost of sugar production, and the cost of imported sugar, the price of sugar was increased. The Commissioner for this investigation was C.Y. Shephard.
040 Grenada. Education in Grenada. Memorandum by Mr S.A. Hammond CMG, MA., Education Advisor to the Comptroller, Development and Welfare in the British West Indies. St. George's, Grenada: Government Printer, 1943. 48p.
This report reviews the status of education in Grenada at the time of writing, covering the aims of the educational system, the school age and its divisions, the re-organization of schools, the building programme, dual control of schools, books, stationery and other school equipment training of teachers, teachers' salaries and housing, secondary, vocational and adult education, library services and administration of the education department. Recommendations are made throughout for the development of education. This report contains a covering despatch by Sir Frank Stockdale, KCMG, CBE, Comptroller for Development and Welfare in the British West Indies, with further reports on vocational education, adult education and library services included as appendices.
041 Grenada. The Development of Secondary Education in Grenada. [St George's Grenada: Government of Grenada], 1946. 13p.
This proposal was written in consultation with the Education Advisor to the Comptroller of Development and Welfare, and issued by the Administrator to clarify proposals for the re-organization of secondary education in the island to permit its improvement and expansion. Section I of the report is a rationale for the development of secondary education. Section II sets out the proposal for the establishment of two schools - a "Free School" whose members would be chosen for their ability, and a "Fee School" for those whose parents could afford to pay and who satisfied other conditions of entrance to a secondary school. Section III deals with the accommodation for the schools utilizing the Tanteen Camp buildings vacated by the Army after World War II. Section IV sets out the Cost of the Project.
042 Grenada. Report of the
Department of Education. St. George's, Grenada:
Government Printer
Serial: Annual
Contains a review of matters concerning education for the year including educational administration and control, primary and secondary education, and educational statistics. Some issues contain a historical summary of education in Grenada.
The following years were found:
1889, 1893, 1896 - 1908, 1938, 1939, 1944 - 53, 1956 - 1962.
043 Pilgrim, H. H. The Grenada Citizen Reader. St. George's, Grenada: The Author, 1944. 55p.
Written for school pupils by an ex-inspector of schools in Grenada, this booklet contains a description of the legislative and administrative systems of Grenada, the system of laws and justice, taxes and education, together with notes on thrift and good citizenship.
044 Grenada. Government
Gazette. St. George's, Grenada: Government Printer
A frequent periodical carrying Government Notices and often including bills to be put before parliament and new legislation.
Libraries have copies between 1890 - 1986.
045 Grenada Government. Council
Papers Laid Before the Legislative Council. St. George's,
Grenada: Government Printer
Serial: Annual
Volumes contain complete sets of Council Papers for the Year, including reports on finances, from Government departments, reports from Commissions of Enquiry, and reports from various other Committees and Boards. Reports usually included are:
Reports between 1931 - 1963 were
found, but not always complete sets for every year.
047 Grenada. Legislative
Council Minutes. St. George's, Grenada: Government Printer
Serial: Semi-Annual
A record of the proceedings of Legislative Council Meetings, mostly verbatim records.
1891 - 1905, 1908 - 1962, 1964 - 1965 & 1966 were found.
049 [Campbell, John]. Candid & Impartial Considerations on the Nature of the Sugar Trade, the Comparative Importance of the British and French Islands in the W.I. with the Value & Consequence of St. Lucia & Grenada, truly stated. London: Printed for R. Baldwin, 1763. 228p.
A history of sugar, a description of the various West Indian Islands which were put into sugar cultivation and an account of the interests of the various European Nations in the West Indies and their struggle to possess individual islands. Grenada is discussed between pages 171 and 191. The situation, climate, healthiness, topography, produce, and forestry is discussed along with its anchorage and harbours. An account is given of Grenada's history from discovery in 1498, until about 1755. The following incidents in Grenada's early history are included: an account of the conflicts with the Indians and the resultant massacres; a short revolt against the Governor on account of his misgovernment which ended by his being shot in the 1660s; the visit and remarks of Père Latat in 1705. The author, however, concentrates on the island's progress as a sugar-producing island under the French and states that at this time as much sugar was raised in Grenada as in Barbados. He concludes that England would greatly profit from its new colony of Grenada. A brief mention is also made of Carriacou.
050 The Grenada Planter or a Full and Impartial Answer to a Letter in the Gazetter of October 22, 1768, Relative to the Conduct of his Ex----y G----r M---le. London: n.p., 1768. 59p.
A prominent gentleman who signed himself "Grenadian Planter now residing in London" writes an open letter criticising Governor Melville's arbitrary actions in Grenada including torture of persons, passing unnecessary tax and discriminating against Roman Catholics. The hostility of Grenada Council and the English on the island to the persons of French heritage is also expressed.
051 Anon. A Letter to the Right Honourable The Earl of H--- B---H, His M---y's S---y of S--te for the C--l---s, on the Present Situation of Affairs in the Island of Gr-n-da. London: n.p. 1769. 54p.
A letter of protest written by "A Grenadian Proprietor" describing the conflicts between the Council in Grenada and the Lt. Governor, who sought to appoint "French Roman Catholics" to the Assembly, the Judiciary and as Justices of the Peace. The writer felt the Lt. Governor was acting improperly and his actions in giving "Papests" positions might endanger the welfare of the whole island.
052 Anon. A Narrative of Governor M----ll's Administration in the Island of G--N--A. n.p. [1770] pp.50-123.
A complaint against Governor Robert Melvill's administration in Grenada from 1764, particularly political and religious persecution against the "new inhabitants" [i.e. persons of French heritage] in Grenada. The missive includes 91 pages of appendices, many of them letters supporting the case of complaint made by the writer.
053 Anon. A Narrative of the Proceedings upon the Complaint Against Governor Melvill. London: Printed for T. Becket and P.A. DeHondt in the Strand, 1770. 132p.
The introduction to the documentation of the proceedings against the Governor of Grenada is a public protest against the decision of the Crown to disallow the charges brought against him by citizens and to return him to his post. The introduction contains copies of several letters objecting to the conduct of the Governor. The documentation includes the charges preferred against Melvill to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Melvill's reply to these charges, and the rebuttal of Melvill's replies. The appendix contains further documentation of papers read before the committee reviewing the case to prove the charges. Melvill was accused of several irregularities including authorizing an unconstitutional Council to legislate, unjustified imprisonment and illegal release of persons imprisoned, rushing legislation, the condoning of torture to procure confessions and acts which aroused the animosity between the Catholics and the English, i.e. "the old and new subjects" in Grenada.
054 Anon. Lord Mansfield's Speech in Giving Judgement of the Court of King's Bench, On Monday November 28, 1774, in the Cause of Campbell against Hall, respecting the King's Letters patent of the 20th July, 1764, for Raising a Duty of Four and a Half per cent on all Exports from the Island of Grenada. Accurately taken by a Barrister. London: Printed for G. Kearsly, 1775, 15p.
The judgement in the case brought by Alexander Campbell, plantation owner in Grenada, against William Hall, Collector for His Majesty, for having collected duties from him for sugar exported, on the grounds that the collector did not have "lawful or sufficient authority" to do so. The argument was that when Grenada was captured from the French the terms of capitulation stipulated the amount to be paid should be the same as had been paid to the French King. These terms had not been sufficiently amended to permit the duty now in question. The judge's summary discusses this issue and the precedents for governing captured territories.
055 [Turnbull, Gordon]. Narrative of the Revolt and Insurrection of the French Inhabitants in the Island of Grenada by an Eyewitness. Edinburgh: The Author, 1795. 168p.
An account of Fedon's Rebellion which sets out the causes of the revolt and details of the course of the rebellion and the massacres of the English. Includes reprints and extracts from proclamations, declarations and other communications by the British Government and the insurgents during this time, throughout the narrative and in an Appendix. A second edition of this book was published in 1786, under the name of Gordon Turnbull. It is 183 pages long including an Addenda which adds accounts of happenings during the insurrection not noted in the original text, including a mention of the outbreak of a fever right after the quelling of the rebellion that killed many people including soldiers.
UWI G [photocopy], GPL [photocopy], LC, NLJ
056 [Wise, Thomas Turner]. A Review of the Events, Which Have Happened in Grenada, From the Commencement of the Insurrection to the 1st of May, by a Sincere Wellwisher to the Colony, Grenada. St. George's, Grenada: n.p., 1795. 108p.
A lively description of Fedon's Rebellion with all the gruesome details, ending with the massacre of the prisoners held by Fedon at Belvedere and also the death of Major Mallory from the epidemic of fever which had decimated the population of the West Indies from the two previous years. The author is reputed to be a lawyer in St. George's.
057 Anon. A Brief Enquiry into the Causes of, and Conduct Pursued by The Colonial Government for Quelling The Insurrection in Grenada, From its Commencement on the Night of 2nd March to the Arrival of General Nichols, on the 14th April, 1795. In a Letter from a Grenada Planter to a Merchant in London. London: Printed for R. Faulder, New Bond St., 1796.
The book begins with an analysis of the Causes of the Fedon Rebellion which was seen to include persecution of persons of French heritage, weak government by Governor Home, and neglect by Britain of the fortifications and militia in Grenada. A detailed description of the first weeks of the insurrection follows and an analysis of the flaws in British army strategy. The author concludes with an estimate of the economic and social losses suffered by England, and different segments of the Grenada population. The appendix contains the texts of letters between military personnel and Kenneth Francis McKenzie, a barrister, in St. George's, elected President of the Governing Council of Grenada after the capture of the Governor.
058 Thornhill, Henry. A Narrative of the Insurrection and Rebellion in the Island of Grenada, from the Commencement to the Conclusion. Introduced with a Summary Discourse on the Excellence of the British Constitution. Barbados: Printed at Mr Gilbert Repnel in the Bay, Between the Two Bridges, 1798. 49p.
The author states that he was an eyewitness to events in St. George's and the rest of the narrative is based on information "politely furnished by Gentlemen of respectable Characters". The discourse on the British Constitution in reality is a lament that people of French Heritage did not appreciate the favours and privileges granted them under the British Constitution, but allowed themselves to be deluded and inflamed by "Satanical secret Emissaries" and to "light up the destructive flames of Rebellion". The history of the rebellion is then related with great spirit complete with tales of horror, heroism, narrow escapes, and battles between the rebels and the soldiers, and other events, until the quelling of the rebellion and the execution of some found guilty of high treason in the "market place, and their heads afterwards sever'd from their bodies" and others banished. The Appendix contains the Proclamation of the King declaring amnesty to all rebels who surrendered, Julien Fedon's declaration to citizens of Grenada with its annex, the answer by the President of the Council, K.F. Mackenzie, to Fedon's declaration, and other letters which document the rebellion.
059 Great Britain. Laws, Statutes etc. An Act for Allowing Further Time for the Payment of Installments to Become Due on Certain Sums Advanced by Way of Loan, to certain Persons Connected with and trading to the Islands of Grenada and Saint Vincent. 14th January, 1799. London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1799. [10p].
The conditions under which extensions of the loans to persons in or trading with Grenada and St. Vincent would be made. Loans totalling one million, two hundred and sixty-five thousand, one hundred and thirty-three pounds, six shillings and eight pence were disbursed, and the extra time for repayment given due to the heavy losses sustained by proprietors and those involved in commerce with these two islands after Fedon's rebellion and the insurrection in St. Vincent.
060 Edwards, Bryan. The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 3 vols. London: John Stockdale, 1801.
Volume I Chapter II gives a summary of Grenada's history from discovery to 1787. It covers in some detail the period of unrest in the Colony caused by the attempted application of export duties by Britain on former citizens of France in Grenada due to the concessions granted them under the treaty. It also deals with the re-capture of Grenada by Count D'Estaing in 1779 and the return to Great Britain of the island in 1783. An appendix in Volume 3 [pp. 361 - 370] deals with a plague of ants which appeared in 1770 and which ravaged the sugar cane. These disappeared after a hurricane destroyed the island. Volume 3 also contains a reprint of William Young's "Tour through the several islands of Barbados, St. Vincent, Antigua, Tobago and Grenada in the years 1791".
061 Young, William [Sir]. "A Tour through the several islands of Barbados, St. Vincent, Antigua, Tobago and Grenada in the years 1791 and 1792, 1793 & 1806". In The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies by Brian Edwards. Vol. 3, n.p., 261-301.
The extracts of the diary of Sir William Young of his journey through some West Indian islands are reproduced here from a "rough journal" in which he entered his impressions of the moment. An account of his visit to Grenada is found between pages 297 - 298 and describes his general impressions of St. George's town, his meeting with Louis La Grenade, and a description of the church service he attended.
062 McGrigor, James. A Letter to the Commissioners of Military Enquiry in reply to some Animadversions of Dr E. Nathaniel Bancroft on their Fifth Report. London: John Murray, 1808. 57p.
A member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and Deputy inspector of Army hospitals writes answering charges expressed by Bancroft to the Commission insinuating negligence in the conduct of duty. A section of McGrigor's defence deals with the health of the 10th, 20th, 68th, 88th and other regiments stationed at times in Grenada, a particular outbreak of yellow fever, and the incidence of mortality in the general hospital as compared to the regimental hospitals.
063 Great Britain. Colonial Office. Papers relating to Governor Ainslie. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed 4 May, 1814: and to be reprinted, 5 May 1815. Variously paged.
Dispatches with enclosures inquiring into the case of the illegal cart-whipping and confinement in the "Black Hole" at Fort George of a free-coloured inhabitant of Grenada, John Michell, ordered by Governor Ainslie. As a result of the protests this occasioned in the society and in the House of Assembly, the Governor was transferred to Dominica. Here he had similar problems with regard to his actions against the Maroons.
064 Hay, John. A Narrative of the Insurrection in the Island of Grenada Which Took Place in 1795. London: n.p., 1823. 171p.
An account of the Fedon's Rebellion by a doctor taken prisoner at the beginning of the rebellion, and spared execution throughout. As a prisoner at Fedon's main camp at Belvedere he met Fedon, Victor Hughes, and other leading figures among the rebels, and French instigators. He witnessed. the laying-out of Fedon's brother after his death in a skirmish, and the execution of fifty-one prisoners shortly after. Introduced by an essay on the need for Britain to protect its citizens in the West Indies from insurrection by blacks such as Fedon's rebellion, and insurrections elsewhere in the Caribbean.
UWI G [photocopy], NLJ
065 Poullain, E. J. de. Letters of E. J. de Poullain, Esq. In Refutation of the Late Pastoral Address by the Rev. Dr. Macdonnel; with Additional Remarks by the Rev. A. O'Hannan, Roman Catholic Pastor of Grenada. St. George's, Grenada: n.p., 1827. 39p.
This pamphlet contains letters between E. J. De Poullain, a Catholic layman in Grenada and the Bishop responsible for Grenada, Rt. Rev. Macdonnel. The subject of the correspondence is the censure of Rev. O'Hannan and his removal from his Cure, and other problems focusing on the right of Roman Catholics to full toleration without civil interference and the fate of the Catholic Free School in St. George's. Rev. O'Hannan gives an eighteen page public response to Bishop Macdonnell's pastoral address attacking the Bishop's ignorance of the status of free coloureds in Grenada. O'Hannan also describes his work in uniting his congregation as a defense against the Bishop's charge that he was responsible for "disgraceful contentions". He expresses disappointment that the Bishop did not choose to show him the letters of complaint received against him so that he might defend himself. Other points of conflict between O'Hannan and his Bishop are revealed in this statement.
066 Murphy, P. B. [Fr]. On Christian Charity or The Love of Our Neighbour. St. George's, Grenada: Printed by W. E. Baker, 1829. 12p.
The condensed version of a sermon preached in the Roman Catholic Church, St. George's, published in the hope that it "may allay the ferment which so generally prevails, and promote peace and goodwill amongst all classes". The burthen of the work is on general Christian precepts with only allusions to "the dissensions which have, unfortunately, for some time in the past, distracted this community" particularly toward the conclusion.
067 De Mataro, Hilarion. [Fr]. Sentry Against Error. St. George's, Grenada: Printed at the Free Press office by Alexander McCombie, 1831. 226p.
A review of aspects of Church doctrine and Church history written by a Catalonian Capuchin Friar and Apostolic Missionary with the purpose of refuting doctrines meant to attack "our holy religion" appearing in literature available "throughout the country".
068 Froude, J.A. The English in the West Indies or the Bow of Ulysses. London: Longman, Green & Co., 1888. Reprint New York: Negro Universities Press, 1969. 373p.
Contains seven pages on Grenada. Froude describes his visit to Grenada and the establishment of a black peasantry. Suggests continued English rule to prevent a relapse of the population into savages. This book was reprinted several times.
UWI TT, UWI J, UWI B, UWI G [photocopy]
069 Garraway, D.G. A Short Account of The Insurrection of 1795-96. St. George's, Grenada: The Author, 1877. 80p.
An account of the Fedon Rebellion of 1795. Contains reprints of public documents concerning the events interspersed with the narrative. Quotes Reverend Francis McMahon's eye-witness account of the massacre of the fifty-one prisoners.
UWI G [photocopy]
070 Fortescue, John William. A History of the 17th Lancers. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. 245p.
A history of the Duke of Cambridge's own 17th Lancers from 1759-1894. Chapter 8 deals with action in Grenada and St. Domingo in 1796. In Grenada the 17th Lancers played a leading part in the quelling of Fedon's Rebellion. A summary of the revolt is given including tie conditions which hampered the soldiers, the other regiments which fought in this insurgency war and the losses of soldiers through illness or wounds. The Lancers alone seemed to have lost 85 men during Fedon's rebellion.
071 Macdonnel, Daniel. Pastoral Address to the Roman Catholics of Grenada from the Right Rev. Dr. Macdonnel, Bishop of Olympus and Vicar Apostolic. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad: n.p., 1829. 15p.
A letter to the Church in Grenada from their Bishop responding to two advertisements in the press. The first was a criticism by E. J. Poullain of Fr. P.B. Murphy's own advertisement informing the public of the permission given for the rebuilding of the Chapel at Gouyave. The second advertisement was issued by Joseph Julien and is a protest by the "Coloured Catholic Inhabitants" on four points including the removal of their priest and their fear of the closure of the Roman Catholic Free School. The booklet contains the Bishop's letter and the advertisements as appendices.
072 Thomas, J. J. Froudacity: West Indian Fables. London: First published in 1889. New Beacon Books, 1969. 195p.
A critique of Froude's English in the West Indies. Three pages [74-76] devoted to Grenada.
UWI TT, UWI J, UWI B, UWI G [photocopy]
073 Bracey, Robert. Eighteenth Century Studies. Oxford: Blackwell, 1925. 142p.
This book contains fourteen pages of secular and religious history of Grenada covering a period from the opening of the Eighteenth Century until 1874 in some detail. The author was a Dominican priest.
074 Devas, Raymund P. Conception Island or The Troubled Story of the Catholic Church in Grenada, B.W.I. London: Sands & Co., 1932. 436p.
Compiled chiefly from original documents and unpublished records, this book recounts the history of the Catholic Church in Grenada and Carriacou from their settlement until the first quarter of the Twentieth Century. A great deal of Grenada's history is related as well, and this book is one of the main sources for the early period of Grenada's history. Illustrated.
075 Wise, K.S. The Slave, Stealing Act of Grenada 1784. The Historical Society of Trinidad and Tobago Historical Sketches No. 39. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad: n.p., 1940, 12p.
A discussion of the Act aimed at "Persons who have come from Trinidad and lurked in these Islands for the Purpose of seducing and carrying off slaves and other Persons residing in Trinidad who have sent out artful negroes and Mulatto Slaves for the like Purpose". The preventative measures aimed at controlling vessels and the activities of persons from Trinidad while visiting Grenada are described. The author relates the reaction of two nineteenth-century historians to this act, which they said was based on vindictiveness. However, the author relates various instances of slave stealing and the removal of mortgaged slaves to Trinidad which gave rise to this Act being passed.
076 A Short History of the Church of Saint John the Divine. [St. George's, Grenada:] n.p, 1946. 20p.
Booklet published in connection with the Centenary of the consecration of the Church in Gouyave, St. John's, Grenada in 1846. Contains congratulatory messages from Anglican Clergy and a summary of the history of the church building and parish from 1799.
077 Hutchinson, Sir J.T. "Modes of Colonial Legislation: Grenada" Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation. 1, [1896]: 151-155.
A survey of law in Grenada including notes on common law, statute law, methods of legislation, publication of statues, revision of statutes, indexing, consolidation and codification of laws, and subordinate legislation.
UWI TT [photocopy]
078 Grenada. Laws, statutes, etc. Ordinances, proclamations, orders-in-council etc. for the Year. St. Geo., G'da: Govt. Print Office
The following were found: 1766-1904 [Microform], 1912, 1916, 1919 - 1961
079 Grenada. Ordinances . St. George's, Grenada: [Government Printer]
Libraries have 1912 - 1924
080 Grenada. Acts. St.
George's, Grenada: Gov't Printing Office
Serial: Annual.
Libraries have 1967 - 78; 1986 & 1987.
081 Grenada. Laws of the Legislature of the Islands of Grenada and the Grenadines 1774 [St. George's, Grenada:] 1778. 288p.
082 Grenada. Laws of the Legislature of the Islands of Grenada and the Grenadines [Grenada 1778-1779] 2 vols.
083 Grenada. The Laws of Grenada 1763 - 1805. London: George Smith, 1808. 375p.
"The Laws of Grenada from
the year 1763 to the Year 1805 with Tables of all the Statutes
passed in that period and of all the originals yet remaining in
the public office and an Index of the Contents by George Smith
London. Printed by Bryer, Bridge St. Blackfriares 1808."
Contains about 90 blank pages for
084 The Laws of Grenada and the Grenadines from the Year 1766 ... with numerous notes of Reference and a Copious Analytical Index by a Professional Gentleman. London: Alexander M'Combie, 1830. 412p.
085 Grenada. The Laws of Grenada and the Grenadines from 1766 - 1852 with a Table of Acts and a Tabular and General Index. Edited by William Snag. St. George's, Grenada: D.J. Davidson Public Printer of Grenada, 1852. 552p.
086 Mitchell, S. et al. Law of Grenada and the Grenadines 1766 to 1875 and supplement 1875 to 1876. [London:] [?187- ] 716p.
087 Hutchinson, J. T. Laws of Grenada. London: Waterlow, 1897. 983p.
088 Sheiriff, P.M.C. Comparative Index of the Laws of the Colonies of Grenada and St. Vincent up to 1906. Barbados: n.p., [1906]. 22p.
089 Grenada. The Revised Laws of Grenada Compiled by Daniel Thomas Tudor K.C. 2 vols. London: Waterlow & Sons, 1911, 1940p.
090 Grenada. Regulations etc. From 1885-1913. Compiled by the Attorney General. St George's, Grenada: Government Printer, 1914. 334p.
Addendum. District of Carriacou ordinance.
091 Grenada. The Revised Laws of Grenada in Force on the 31st Day of December 1934. Compiled by C. Mansel Reece. K.C. 3 vols. London: Waterlow & Sons, 1935.
092 Grenada. Catalogue of the Books in the Public Library of Grenada. St. George's, Government Printing Office, 1893. 99p.
A list of books, alphabetical by subject, Author & Title, including rules for the Management of the Library & Rules for the Library Telephone.
093 Wilson, C. Livingstone. Catalogue of the Books in the Public Library of Grenada at 1st July, 1904. n.p., 1904. 172p.
A catalogue of books, magazines and works of reference in the public library is prefaced by a brief statement on the library including some of its history, and copies of the Public Library Ordinance 1886, and the rules for the Management of the Public Library.
094 Bayley, F.W.N. The Island
Bagatelle; Containing Poetical Enigmas on the Estates in Each
Parish in the Island of Grenada in six parts. Interspersed with
Tales and Other Miscellaneous Poems. Grenada: Printed by W.E.
Baker, 1829. 159p.
The readers of these poems are supposed to guess the estates referred to by following the acrostic clues. Other poems are on various topics including one "My First Landing" set in the Caribbean [Barbados] and another addressing the worldliness of a fictional colony. An Appendix lists the Estates to be guessed in the "enigmas".
095 Passee, Edmund. An Epic on the Miserable State of Grenada, B.W.I. London, 1883. 62p.
A lengthy poem calling on Britain for the amelioration of economic and social conditions, especially for the continued importation of labour for agriculture, tax relief and road works. A plea is made for the restoration of representative government and the restoration of Grenada's Constitution. Contains extracts of the treaties and other documents issued from 1763 & 1783 establishing the Government of Grenada under British rule.
096 Gibbes, Edna. Dream Island. United States of America: n.p., n.d.
Poems of the Caribbean landscape.
097 Great Britain. Colonial Office. Grenada. Report on Agriculture in Carriacou. Colonial Reports. Miscellaneous. London: HMSO, 1898. 17p.
The Curator of the Botanic Gardens of Grenada reports on his visit to Carriacou in 1897. He reports on the cultivation of corn, cassava, pigeon peas, tobacco, ground nuts, various fruit trees, cacao and coffee, the rearing of livestock and forestry, and he makes general observations on the island and recommendations for the improvement of agriculture.
098 Grenada. Colonial Office. Report on Land Settlement in Carriacou. Colonial Reports - Miscellaneous, No. 24. HMSO, 1903. 15p.
A report on the scheme for the settlement of a "peasant proprietary" on allotments portioned from the Beausejour, Mt. Pleasant and Harvey Vale Estates which had been acquired for the purpose by the Government and duly purchased. The administrator also discusses several improvements which should be instituted for the benefit of persons in the land settlement scheme. Most urgent was the provision of a cotton gin and press at Harvey Vale and a seed crusher for converting seed into meal. This would ensure the independence of the settlers from any vestige of the metayer system. Other suggestions were arrangements to be made for the shipment of settlers' cotton to England, encouragement of the poultry, corn and small livestock industries, the encouragement of wooden housing to prevent cutting of the forest for "wattle and daub", reafforestation, improvements to the water supply, export of building stone, the provision of a jetty at Hillsborough, and the consideration of local Government for Carriacou. The report contains two maps.
099 Grenada. Reports on the
Botanic Station, Cacao Experimentation Plots and Agricultural
Education, Grenada. [St. George's, Grenada: Government
Printing Office]
Serial: Annual.
Annual reports were written, variously entitled
The reports appear to be a
series, and cover the activities of the botanic gardens,
supervision of agricultural experimental plots in the rural
areas, lectures in agricultural science to elementary school
teachers and the establishment of school plots, and land
settlement schemes. They were sometimes written by the curator of
the Botanic Gardens, and latterly by the Superintendent of
Agriculture, the Agricultural Instructor and the Land Officer and
transmitted by the Commissioner of Agriculture for the West
Indies. These reports are for the most part bound together in a
volume and are therefore treated as continuous reports. The
reports are occasionally illustrated with photos of the Botanic
UWI St Augustine Library has most reports from 1891 to 1910-11, when the reports were again renamed "Report on the Agricultural Department".
100 Grenada. General
Administration Report on the Agricultural Department,
Grenada. Barbados: Imperial Department of Agriculture for the
West Indies
Serial: Bi-Annual.
A report which includes the general organisation of the Agricultural Department of Grenada, agricultural instruction to peasants, peasant agriculture, agricultural experiments, plant pests & diseases, the laboratory, botanic gardens, land settlement, forest reserves. Occasionally contains photographs of agricultural projects. Latterly the title was shortened to Report on the Agricultural Department, Grenada. Some reports were printed in Trinidad.
The Library has: 1912-1913 & 1926-28.
101 Grenada. Report on the
Agricultural Department Grenada. St. George's, Grenada:
Government Printing Office
Serial: Annual.
This contains the series
"General Administration Report on the Agricultural
Department, Grenada". Its coverage includes staff matters,
meteorology, the botanic gardens, agricultural experiments,
district work, land settlements, peasants' prize holding schemes,
Government livestock, development and production of cash crops,
forestry, pests and diseases, soil conservation, and legislation
affecting agriculture. Contains tables of annual rainfall.
The run found in the library collections is from 1891 - 1963.
102 Grenada. Agricultural Policy for Grenada. St. George's, Grenada: Government Printer, Council Paper No. 4 of 1947, 1947. 19p.
A comprehensive policy for Grenada involving conservation of natural resources, land use, land tenure, land ownership, land settlement, agricultural economy, the sale of agricultural lands, agricultural extension services, state aid for agriculture and agricultural credit, the processing of agricultural products, food storage, home industries, marketing, animal husbandry and praedial larceny. The copy at St. Augustine is bound together with other legislative council memoranda on the subject.
103 Shephard, C.Y. Peasant Agriculture in the Leeward and Windward Islands. [St. Augustine, Trinidad]: Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture, 1945. 211p.
Professor C.Y. Shephard, a Carnegie Professor of Economics at the I.C.T.A. and two assistants undertook a survey of peasants in the Leeward and Windward Islands at the request of the Secretary of State for the Colonies. An investigation is made of share-cropping, tenancy, squatting, freehold tenure and land settlements, with a historical background and conclusions. The discussion is, for the most part, general, but there are tables attached to the report with some information specific to Grenada and Carriacou.
104 Grenada Report on the Survey of Land Settlements in Grenada. Bound with Council Papers laid before the Legislative Council during the Year 1950. St. George's, Grenada: Government Printer, 1951. 5p.
A report on nine land settlement schemes in Grenada and Carriacou on which money was still owing on holdings. The status of the settlements including the presence of adequate public utilities, agriculture and health and recreational facilities is reviewed, and the difficulties of the settlers and general recommendations set forth.
105 Sefi, Alexander J. The "W. E. P." Series of Philatelic Handbooks. Grenada. London: D. Field, 4 & 5 The Royal Arcade, 1912. 3p.
A handbook of postage stamp issues of Grenada from 1861 to 1906, with a note on postmarks and a brief introduction to the Island.
106 Bacon, E.D. & F.H. Napier. The Stanley Gibbons Philatelic Handbooks - Grenada. To which is prefixed an Account of the Perforations of the Perkins Bacon Printed Stamps of the British Colonies. London: Stanley Gibbons, Ltd., [?1914]. 173p.
A history of postage stamps in Grenada from their introduction in 1861 until 1892 and an illustrated catalogue of the stamps of several colonies including Grenada giving detailed descriptions of the stamp issues. This book also includes a history of the Perkins Bacon Perforations of British Colonial and other postage stamps, with a description of various perforating machines. Appendix A contains correspondence relating to the introduction of perforation by the Perkins Bacon Company for British Colonial Stamps of their printing. Appendix B reprints the Acts relating to the Post office of Grenada, Appendix C is a list of stamps of Grenada printed by the Perkins Bacon Company from 1861 - 1881, with the quantities, denominations and colour.
107 Sewell, William G. The Ordeal of Free Labour in the British West Indies. 1862. Reprint. Cass Library of West Indian Studies No. 3, 1968. London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1968. 325p.
Chapter nine of this book deals with Grenada since Emancipation. Deals With the economy of Grenada in 1859, and the causes of its decline and general social conditions of its inhabitants.
UWI J, UWI B, UWI TT, UWI G [photocopy]
108 Great Britain. Colonial Office. Report on Agriculture in Carriacou. Colonial Reports. Miscellaneous, No. 11, London: HMSO, 1898. 17p.
The Curator of the Botanic Gardens reports on the agricultural crops and plant species found in Carriacou with comments on health, employment and general Carriacou vistas.
109 Grenada. Report on the
Public Works Department. St. George's, Grenada: Government
Serial: Annual.
This report covers administration and staffing expenditure, buildings, roads, bridges, rivers, the airport, water supplies, drainage and reclamation, sea defences, quarries, special branches and other activities of the public works department with appendices including a list of government buildings and government quarters.
The Libraries have: 1897, 1901 - 1931 & 1958. Most are in the Library of Congress.
110 Grenada. Report on the
Medical and Sanitary Department St. George's, Grenada:
Government Printer
Serial. Annual
Covers staff matters, legislation, public health, diseases, vital statistics, hygiene and sanitation, housing and town planning, maternal and child welfare, hospitals, dispensaries and visiting stations, prisons and asylums, meteorology, and port health.
The Libraries have 1931 - 1942, 1944 - 1947 as single reports.
111 Grenada. Report on the
Labour Department. St. George's, Grenada: Government Printer
Serial: Annual.
This report gives a review of staff of the department, labour supply and demand, wage movements, hours of work, cost of living, industrial relations, safety, health & welfare, living conditions of all classes, travelling facilities, health, social security, women and children, legislation and other matters relating to labour in the country.
The Libraries have between them 1949 - 1959 as single copies.
112 Redhead, Wilfred A. "Influences Which Determine the Future of the West Indies" in Negro Anthology edited by Nancy Cunard. 1934, 493-494. Reprint. Westport, Connecticut: Negro Universities Press, 1969.
Relates the formation of a unique West Indian Culture through the blending of the African and European Cultures. Describes some European cultural heritages in Grenada and the other islands, and latterly cultural adoptions from the USA. The author is a Grenadian.
113 Grenada. Report of A Commission Appointed Under the Commissions of Enquiry Ordinance to Enquire into the Economic Condition of the Various classes of Wage Earners in Grenada with Special Reference to the Agricultural Industry and to Obtain Recommendations for their Amelioration. Trinidad and Tobago: Government Printer, 1938. 20p.
General observations including a report on the conduct of the enquiry is made in the first two brief parts of the Report. In Part III the condition of agricultural labour - wages, provision of gardens for estate workers, tenants compensation, other perquisites and privileges of estate labour, hours, unemployment, food, housing, clothing, health, the situation with women and children - is described. The situation with other classes of wage earners and some of the factors controlling wages are also dealt with in this section. Part III contains suggestions for improvements in the condition of labourers made to the Commissioners by persons giving evidence. Part IV contains the conclusions and recommendations of the Commissioners. There is a special appendix on the condition of the wage-earning classes in Carriacou. The Chairman of the Commission was Mr C. C. Ross, a Grenadian, and the rest of the team were also Grenadians.
114 Great Britain. Report of the West India Royal Commission 1938-1939. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1945. 483p.
An enquiry into the social and economic conditions in the Caribbean, and recommendations for their amelioration. Although statistics for Grenada are given, Grenada is discussed as a Windward Island, or in general with all other territories. Popularly referred to as "The Moyne Report" after its Chairman. Illustrated.
115 Government of Grenada. Report
on the Health Service Department. St. George's, Grenada:
Government Printer
Serial: Annual.
This publication reports on staff, legislation, financial matters, diseases, nutrition, sanitation, food hygiene, refuse disposal, insect control, hospitals, visiting stations, dental clinics. It includes vital statistics from the Registrar General's Office.
The Libraries have 1955 - 1957 & 1959 - 61.
116 Grenada. Report on the
Social Welfare Department. St. George's, Grenada: Government
This publication is an annual report on activities under the portfolio of the infant and child care, youth organisations, adult organisations, poor relief and estate welfare, after-care for prisoners and long-stay hospital patients, and community centres.
Libraries have 1956 only.
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