To convert Greek code to HTML

Currently designed only for my version of PGDP's coding of accented and unaccented (h for rough breathing) Greek:
Accents in this order:
1. ( rough breathing, ) smooth breathing, + diaeresis, [_ macron, - breve: not used]
2. / acute, \ grave, = circumflex
3. | iota subscript
ch for chi, ph for phi, ps for psi, th for theta; ê for eta, ô for omega; capitals for capitals; upsilon always coded u (this no longer required).

Intended to preserve quasi-HTML coding for gesperrt text (<g></g>) and temporary coding for page numbers. It zaps the [Greek: ] code.

By hand correction needed when the code has parentheses: a blank space must be input before the final ). Also for Gk numbers, and other initial vowels without any breathing. Check final sigmas! (May need to insert a space to get it right.) Also need to restore line breaks, though it will preserve <p></p>.


Enter or paste text to convert in the box below then press the convert button.

Converted Text

To see how it looks in this browser, reload the page:

Ed Brandon, 1 June 2010, revised 4 August 2010, and again 12 August 2012.