Gracelyn Cassell
Gracelyn Cassell, B.A. Library Studies (UWI), M.A. Archives (Lond), and M Sc Computer Assisted Management Information Systems (UWI) worked in the Montserrat Public Library from 1982 to 1997 and in the Main Library at the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica from 1997 to 2005. In August 2005, she returned to Montserrat to take up the post of Resident Tutor and Head of the University of the West Indies School of Continuing Studies, now the UWI Open Campus Montserrat.
The American University of the Caribbean (A.U.C.), an offshore medical school, received a license from the Montserrat Government in 1978. It began operations in Ohio while arrangements were being made for a campus to be constructed just outside, Plymouth, the capital of Montserrat. Despite several scheduling problems, construction was almost completed in 1980 and a cohort of students arrived on island in January. This resulted in significant changes in the social and economic landscape. During the early years of its operation on island, the school and its activities were regularly covered in the islands weekly newspapers.
After 15 years of operating on the island, the school relocated to St. Marten in 1995 in the wake of the ongoing volcanic crisis in Montserrat. This paper seeks to chart the history of the University, its trials and triumphs, its battles with the Montserrat Government and its contribution to the social and economic development of the island.
In spite of the volcanic crisis there are several schools which have either received or requested licenses to operate in Montserrat. These schools are facing a number of challenges including accreditation and in the case of schools offering medical education getting listed as reputable medical schools. These were all difficulties that A.U.C. surmounted and which resulted in the School achieving international recognition. A.U.C.’s experiences in Montserrat provide guidelines for entrepreneurs wanting to establish offshore schools in Montserrat.
© Gracelyn Cassell, 2008. Page last revised November 3, 2008.
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