Margaret Dyer-Howe
Mrs. Margaret Dyer-Howe is currently a Member of Parliament but has been a Minister of Government from 2001 to 2008. She has an M.Sc. from the University of Bradford in Management Research Global Warming and Climate Change and an Executive MBA from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill School of Business. She worked as General Manager of the Montserrat Water Authority from 1994 to 1998.
This paper studies beach erosion as a result of rough seas in Montserrat (March 2008) due to a cold front along the coastline of the Northern Caribbean islands. The marine environment continues to play an important part in the economy of the island, providing full-time, part-time and seasonal employment and contributing significantly to domestic food security and national GDP. Some of Montserrat’s most important resources, especially in terms of commerce are its port facilities. Other major use of beaches include tourism, recreation, fish landing sites, a source of fine aggregates used in the construction industry, and habitats for nesting turtles and other animals and plants. Beach erosion affects the sustainability of the tourist industry and livelihoods of small business operators.
Study areas will include: Five sites from Little Bay to Isles Bay.
Very brief preliminary examination of the beaches mentioned above indicates that the need also exists for development of an integrated perspective that takes into account other elements of vulnerability – economic, environmental and institutional – that will also affect the extent of vulnerability of our beaches to climate change.
© Margaret Dyer-Howe, 2008. Page last revised November 3, 2008.
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