Bahamas Country Conference Pre-Prints  

This page links to copies of some of the papers presented at the Bahamas Country Conference, June 8-9, 2006. These versions are offered as a public service by the University of the West Indies. Other papers related to the Bahamas may be added as they become available. 

These documents may be used for educational purposes only and may not be commercialized in any manner. Copyright remains with the authors.  We suggest that an appropriate version of the phrase below be used as the copyright notice when reproducing any of the papers in any format:

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in any of these papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of the West Indies.


Where papers on this site have footnotes, they should appear "on mouse-over" (use the mouse to position the cursor on the superscripted number).  Printed versions will have them as endnotes.  Pictures in the text are usually reduced in size; a larger version can sometimes be seen by clicking on the picture.  Use the Back command to return to the text.

Author Paper
John Burton and Jane Eva Baxter Out Island Life in the Nineteenth Century: San Salvador in Slavery and Emancipation
Andrew Bruce Campbell Teacher Evaluation in the Bahamas - The Reactions and Perception of Teachers in four Anglican Private Schools
William J. Fielding, Virginia Ballance, Carol Scriven, Thaddeus MacDonald & Pandora Johnson The movement of Haitian nationals between the Republic of Haiti and The Bahamas
Dr Helean McPhee Is Bahamian Dialect a Creole?
Gina P. Morley The legal disabilities of Bahamian women and its concomitant effect on illegitimate children
Suzanne V. Newbold, Vicente Roberts, and Jose A. Velasquez Post-hurricane Disaster Management: a System and Evidence Based Approach Needed
Neil Sealey Coastal Erosion and Sea Wall Construction in The Bahamas
A. Missouri Sherman-Peter The Bahamas and International Drug Control 1980-1994: a Perspective
Stacey Wells-Moultrie The Evolution of Environmental Management in The Bahamas, 1994-2005

We also have a partially annotated bibliography (a pdf file) of work on education and training relevant to the Bahamas.

Return to Bahamas Homepage.

© The University of the West Indies, 2006. Last revised 18 June 2007.