Beverley A.
University of the West Indies
School Of Continuing Studies
University Centre
Dedicated to Dr. Alma Jordan
© Beverley Steele, 1989; HTML version © Beverley Steele, 2000
Origins & Objectives
Arising naturally out of my University posting to Grenada and earlier research on this nation, my interest in the published works and other documents of this tri-island State grew with the years and eventually demanded some expression. In 1983, I published on a very small scale a bibliography of Grenada, which by all standards, was very rough (Steele Beverley A. Bibliography of Grenada. Marryshow House Publications No. 2. St George's, Grenada: UWI Department of Extra Mural Studies, 1983. 119p.). Until the bibliography by Audine Wilkinson appeared in 1988 (Wilkinson, Audine C. Grenada: A Select Bibliography - A Guide to Material Available in Barbados. Cave Hill, Barbados: Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI, 1988. Occasional Bibliography No. 11. 105p.), it, however, proved useful to many scholars as it was the only bibliography of Grenada extant and the small printing sold out immediately. The popularity of this work was, of course, at least partly due to the events of 1983, which surrounded the collapse of the People's Revolutionary Government and the invasion of troops of the United States of America. Nevertheless, Grenada has always been of interest to researchers, and has a turbulent history, pre and post the Grenada Revolution 1979 - 1983.
In 1987, I took a decision to attempt the compilation of a comprehensive annotated bibliography which would build on, and make obsolete the 1983 attempt. I received some encouragement in this venture, and was given a Sabbatical Year in 1988 to undertake this work, with the proviso that I work with a supervisor as library science was not my discipline. Dr. Alma Jordan, then the University Librarian, consented to provide the necessary guidance, and the project begun in August, 1988.
By October, the bibliography of Grenada by Audine Wilkinson was published by the ISER. After consultation with Dr. Jordan the decision was taken to proceed with my project but to limit the work to the Social Sciences and Humanities.
Even with this reduced scope the bibliography proved to be a massive undertaking far exceeding any estimates. By the end of the Sabbatical over 1,700 entries with annotations had been made, with the work an estimated three-quarters completed.
The bibliography presented here draws on the research material collected during 1988/89, and highlights a period where published works have never previously been adequately researched. This publication will undoubtedly prove useful to scholars of Grenada's earlier history, to whom many of the entries may be completely unknown. It is hoped that this publication will, for everyone who reads it, provide a deepening of understanding, perspective and detail of the road Grenada has travelled, and the events that shaped its past.
This bibliography lists publications published before 1950. It includes works first published before 1950, but which were subsequently reprinted. It does not include works published after 1950 which cover the early historical period.
The bibliography does not include listings of newspapers or newspaper articles, newsletters or news-magazines, personal correspondence, programme of events, maps, sheet music, single copies of laws, book reviews, or archival material.
Since it is a bibliography of the Social Sciences & Humanities, there is no listing of publications on Agriculture, Science or Technology, except where these impinge on areas of life and culture within the ambit of the bibliography.
A few works on the Caribbean with significant material specific to Grenada are included.
Methodology & Sources
This bibliography is based on the author's research in the following libraries:
The catalogue of each library was searched either manually or through the library's database. In some cases a visual search was made of the collection. In addition several bibliographies were searched although few entries before 1950 were found in these (the most useful of these was COMITAS, LAMBROS. The Complete Caribbeana 1900-1975: a bibliographic guide to the scholarly literature in four volumes. New York: KTO Press, 1977). Serendipity brought to light some works on the Caribbean with significant content on Grenada. Each entry was annotated after a perusal of the item. A location symbol is given for each library which holds the item listed.
Style of Entries & Arrangement
The style of citation follows the Chicago Style Manual and the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. In this bibliography the entries are listed in order of date of publication, under broad subject areas and numbered in sequence, throughout the work.
I am very grateful to the staff of all Libraries visited, for the help and facilities extended.
I would like to record my deepest gratitude to Dr. Alma Jordan, at the time the University Librarian, who gave me of her time generously and graciously. Although this draft will show I have yet a lot to learn, I hope I will not prove an embarrassment to this distinguished scholar.
For this HTML version we are grateful to Dr Janak Sodha at Cave Hill for providing scanning facilities and to Tavia Lattie-Brandon for help with the actual scanning of the bibliography.
© Beverley Steele. Last revision: 26th February, 2000.
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