Information on the Caribbean

Links checked August 10/11, 2000

This page is an attempt to gather material on the Caribbean that may be of use to researchers, scholars or students. Since ALL links here are maintained by other persons, we will not put asterisks after them as we do on our other pages.

Perhaps the main Website for Caribbean material is the Latin America Network Information Center (LANIC) at the University of Texas.

A notable site is the Virtual Institute of Caribbean Studies, based in New Jersey.  It has the potential to become a repository of papers on various aspects of the Caribbean (I am not listing them in the section on papers below since they may not remain on this site for long).  It also runs a newsletter and maintains a good list of links.

There is a moderated network and discussion list on Caribbean Studies coming out of Michigan State University.  To subscribe, send the following command:

sub H-Caribbean your name, institution

to the following email address:


or visit the website.  For other Caribbean lists, see the results from L-Soft.

Background and statistical data Lists of Caribbean sites
Specific Caribbean sites
Articles and other documents Lecture notes

Background information on most Commonwealth Caribbean countries is available at:

See also Social Science sites below for some sites devoted to individual territories, and our own Country Conferences. International financial and political institutions also have some data and material.  At the World Bank site you can pick regions or countries for information and access a large number of publications.

The IMF site contains full text (Adobe .pdf) of many recent working papers, though few are specifically about the Caribbean. The Inter-American Development Bank site does not bother with the smaller Caribbean territories. The ECLAC site contains some documents and working papers. The Caribbean Development Bank Website has its Annual Report (.pdf) which contains some basic statistics on member countries, and some staff papers. There are also various things on the Caricom site.

There are some UNESCO data, from the current Yearbook and its database. Caribbean countries other than Guyana, Suriname, and French Guyana are put with North America. Some statistics are only available for countries with more than 150,000 people. Excel files can be downloaded - they are pretty large. UNICEF has a fair number of reports, including annual Progress of Nations, which have extensive statistical appendices, and things on the condition of children. The United Nations itself has a range of easily accessible data available on a by-country basis, or in global tables.

Data on health matters are available from the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization. There is a site for the Caribbean office of the UN Population Fund.

Population estimates are available from the Population Reference Bureau.

Another international body, the World Resources Institute, has a good deal of material on its site, including the complete text (384 pages in print dealing with 150 countries) of World Resources 1996-97, prepared for the Habitat conference; there are occasional references to the Caribbean region. The site is searchable.

The Office of BNCCDE has collated some data on the UWI's contributing countries and the University's impact on them.

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Romany claims to be the first search engine devoted to Caribbean material. There are now also Caribe and Cariboutpost. There are of course a multitude of other search engines - one that ought to be more reliable than most deserves mention: the dmoz Open Directory Project, which utilises the energy of volunteer editors rather than simply trawling the Web mindlessly. The link is to its Caribbean section. There are also several lists of sites, including the following, which might lead you to something worthwhile, though in many cases the sites themselves are geared to business or tourism:

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Specific sites (broken down into a few rough categories - check around since some sites straddle more than one of these categories).  There are now a number of our own Country Conferences on-line, each with a variety of papers on different aspects of the relevant country.  A listing from which you can reach all of them is here.

Agriculture/Fisheries Literature and Linguistics
Fine Arts Natural Sciences/Environment
History and Archaeology Social Sciences

Agriculture/Fisheries (see also under Natural Sciences/Environment):

Fine Arts

History and Archaeology (see also Social Sciences below)

Literature and Linguistics

Natural Sciences/Environment

Social Sciences

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Documents include:



Natural Sciences/Environment

Social Sciences

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Material with a Caribbean flavour (or at least a Caribbean origin) for courses can be found at:

We would be pleased to hear of further sites with useful scholarly material on any aspect of the Caribbean, as well as corrections to the above information.  Please contact us here. We would like to thank all those who have helped by referring us to sites.

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Last update August 5, 2004.


© The University of the West Indies, 2000.