The Non-Campus Countries (NCCs)

The University of the West Indies is funded by the governments of 15 territories.  It has campuses in three countries (Cave Hill in Barbados, Mona in Jamaica, and St Augustine in Trinidad and Tobago).  The remaining 12 countries are the non-campus contributing countries of the University for which the Board for NCC/DE has special responsibility.  The University also has a special relationship with the Turks and Caicos Islands, so that they are considered one of the NCCs.

The School of Continuing Studies has Centres and Resident Tutors in most of the NCCs (not yet in Anguilla, or the Turks and Caicos).  It has several Centres in the campus countries (Bridgetown in Barbados; Kingston and Montego Bay in Jamaica; St Augustine, Sangre Grande and  San Fernando in Trinidad, and a site in Tobago).  The Distance Education Centre maintains teleconferencing sites at all SCS Centres and in several other locations.  On the completion of a Caribbean Development Bank project in 2000, it has a facility in each of the NCCs above.

The Office is gathering data on the University's role in the NCCs. We have also compiled a list of links to other information on the NCCs and the Caribbean more generally.

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Last update: April 4th, 2003.


© The University of the West Indies, 2000