E.P. Brandon - Academic Publications

(a) Books

  1. Brandon, E.P. (1987a). Do Teachers Care about Truth? Epistemological Issues for Education. London: Allen and Unwin, Introductory Studies in the Philosophy of Education, pp. xi + 86 (ISBN 0-04-370174-4).
  2. Gingell, John & Brandon, E.P. (2000) In Defence of High Culture, a monograph volume of the Journal of Philosophy of Education, 34 (3) 401-539, separately published by Blackwell, 2001 (ISBN 0-631-22309-6).

(b) Text Books

  1. Brandon, E.P. (1983). Argument Analysis. Mona: Distance Teaching Experiment, p. ii + 105. Second revised edition, 1985, pp. iv + 130. Third revised edition, 1988, pp. vi + 151.
  2. Brandon, E.P. (1992a). Steps Towards a Logical Geography of Education. Cave Hill: UWIDITE, p. iv + 80.

(c) Articles and discussions (latter indicated with an *)

  1. Brandon, E.P. (1978*). Hintikka on ακολουθειν. Phronesis, 23, 173-178.
  2. Brandon, E.P. (1979). The Key of the Door. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 11, 23-34.
  3. Brandon, E.P. (1980a). Subjectivism and Seriousness. Philosophical Quarterly, 30, 97-107.
  4. Brandon, E.P. (1980b). O Reason Not the Need. Education for Development, 6, 18-25.
  5. Brandon, E.P. (1980c*). Hirst and "Total Education". CARSEA Journal, 5, 1-5.
  6. Brandon, E.P. (1981*). Logic in the Laboratory. School Science Review, 62, 762-765.
  7. Brandon, E.P. (1982a). Quantifiers and the Pursuit of Truth. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 14, 50-58.
  8. Brandon, E.P. (1982b*). Can Teachers Live With the Truth About Teaching? A Reaction to Morrill and Steffy. Journal of Thought, 17, 13-17.
  9. Brandon, E.P. (1982c). Radical Children. Access, 1, 26-32.
  10. Brandon, E.P. (1982d*). Rationality and Paternalism. Philosophy, 57, 533-536.
  11. Brandon, E.P. (1984a). The Two Forms, the Two Attitudes, and the Four Kinds of Awareness. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 16, 1-11.
  12. Brandon, E.P. (1984b). The Philosophy in the Philosophy of Education. Teaching Philosophy, 7, 1-15.
  13. Brandon, E.P. (1984c*). Quine versus the Apeman. Access, 3, 19-23.
  14. Brandon, E.P. (1985a). On What Isn't Learned in School. Thinking, 5, 22-28. (A slightly expanded version was incorporated in T. Turner (ed.) MIDEC 2 Proceedings, privately published in Mona, 1986, 120-140.)
  15. Brandon, E.P. (1985b). Aptitude Analysed. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 17, 13-18.
  16. Nolan, C.A. & Brandon, E.P. (1986). Conditional Reasoning in Jamaica. ERIC Documentation Service ED 260 974, pp. 1-41.
  17. Brandon, E.P. (1986b*). What's Become of Becoming? Philosophia, 16, 71-77.
  18. Brandon, E.P. (1986c). Ellipsis: History and Prospects. Informal Logic, 8, 93-103.
  19. Brandon, E.P. (1987b). Ellipsis and Ideology. In Perkins, D.N., Lochhead, J., and Bishop, J.C. (eds.), Thinking: The Second International Conference, pp. 103-119; L. Erlbaum Associates, (ISBN 0 89859805 2). An earlier version has appeared in ERIC Documentation Service ED 260 592.
  20. Brandon, E.P. (1987c). Deductive Reasoning Ability, Error, and Education. In van Eemeren, F.H., Grootendorst, R., Blair, J.A. & Willard, C.A. (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Argumentation 3A Argumentation: Perspectives and Approaches, pp. 155-161; Dordrecht: Foris, (ISBN 90 6765 319 5).
  21. Brandon, E.P. & Moriah, S.J.E. (1988). Vocational Guidance for Trainee Teachers? Some Caribbean Evidence. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 16, 157-166.
  22. Broadfoot, P. & Brandon, E.P. (1988). Introduction: From Classroom Research to Professional Practice. In Brandon, E.P., Broadfoot, P. & Leo-Rhynie, E. (eds.), From Research to Reflective Teaching, a special issue of the Caribbean Journal of Education, 15, (1 & 2) 1-8.
  23. Brandon, E.P. (1989b). Subverting Common Sense: Textbooks  and Scientific Theory. In Herget, D.E. (ed.), The History and Philosophy of Science in Science Teaching: Proceedings of the First International Conference, pp. 30-40; Tallahasse, Florida: Science Education and Department of Philosophy, Florida State University.
  24. Brandon, E.P. (1990). The Deductive Logical Competence of Non-graduate Caribbean Teachers. ERIC Documentation Service, ED 315 330, pp. 1-35. (NB The paper takes 152K, with 3 extra tables and an appendix).
  25. Brandon, E.P. (1992b*). A Note on the Format of Ennis' Multiple-Choice Tests of Deductive Reasoning Competence. ERIC Documentation Service, TM 019 276, pp. 1-7. Abstract.
  26. Brandon, E.P. (1992c). Supposition, Conditionals and Unstated Premises. Informal Logic, 14, 123-130.  Abstract.
  27. Brandon, E.P. (1993). Is "A Needs X" Elliptical? Grazer Philosophische Studien, 45, 125-134.  Abstract.
  28. Brandon, E.P. (1995a). The Unjustifiability of Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 14, 217-227, the journal reissued as P. Smeyers and J. Marshall (eds.) Philosophy and Education: Accepting Wittgenstein's Challenge, pp. 93-103; Dordrecht: Kluwer.  Abstract.
  29. Brandon, E.P. (1995b). Inus conditions and justification: a case study of the logic of Gutmann's argument for compulsory schooling. In Frans H. van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, J. Anthony Blair, and Charles A. Willard (eds.), Special Fields and Cases, Proceedings of the Third ISSA Conference on Argumentation, Volume IV, pp. 539-545; Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation.  Abstract.
  30. Brandon, E.P. (1995d). "Relevant experience" for teaching the foundations of education. Caribbean Curriculum, 5, 69-85.  Abstract.
  31. Brandon, E.P. and Sirbratthie, Norma (1996). Logical Reasoning as a Curriculum Area in Schools. In D.R. Craig (ed.), Education in the West Indies: Developments and Perspectives, 1948-1988, pp. 256-268; Mona: ISER.
  32. Brandon, E.P. (1996). Distance Education in the Restructured UWI: Policy and Problems. Caribbean Curriculum, 6, 35-53Abstract.
  33. Brandon, E.P. (1997a*). California Unnatural: On Fine's Natural Ontological Attitude. Philosophical Quarterly, 47, 232-235.  Abstract. (The full paper is also accessible, to subscribers only, at Blackwell's web-site* in Adobe PDF format.)
  34. Brandon, E.P. (1997b). Jamaican Teachers and Deductive Logic. Caribbean Journal of Education, 19, 113-130.
  35. Brandon, E.P. (1997c). Education and Secularization: Taking Philosophy of Education Seriously. Caribbean Journal of Education, 19, 227-238. Abstract.
  36. Brandon, Ed (1999a). The University of the West Indies. In Keith Harry (ed.), Higher Education through Open and Distance Learning, pp. 125-136; London: Routledge.
  37. Brandon, E.P. (1999b). What's Wrong with God? In Frans H. van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, J. Anthony Blair, and Charles A. Willard (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, pp. 62-64; Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation.
  38. Brandon, E.P. (2002a). Disestablishing Marriage. In Maria Byron (comp.) Proceedings of Fifth Biennial Cross Campus Conference, Controversies in Education, pp. 153-156; St Augustine, Trinidad: School of Education, UWI.  
  39. Brandon, E.P. (2002c). Michael Williams and the Hypothetical World. Minerva 6, 151-161. (The link is to the HTML version; there is also a pdf version at the Minerva site.)
  40. Brandon, Ed (2004b). Philosophy as Bricolage. In Havi Carel and David Gomez (eds.) What Philosophy Is, pp. 132-141; London: Continuum (ISBN 0-8264-7241-9 and 0-8264-7242-7).
  41. Brandon, E.P. (2005h). Justice and the Yellow Pages. Skepsis XVI ii 198-207.
  42. Brandon, Ed (2005i*). Sustaining a Right to be in Error. Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy (online).
  43. Brandon, E.P. (2006g). Culture in the Age of Digital Reproduction. In K. Boudouris (ed.), The Philosophy of Culture, Vol. II, pp. 38-43; Athens: Ionia Publications.
  44. Brandon, E.P. (2006h). Creolisation, Syncretism, and Multiculturalism. Shibboleths: Journal of Comparative Theory 1 (1) 15-19.
  45. Brandon, Ed (2006i). Naipaul on believing the unbelievable. In Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino and Clevis Ronald Headley (eds.), Shifting the Geography of Reason: Gender, Science and Religion, 91-105. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
  46. Brandon, Ed (2008e). The Anthropocentricity of Ethical Norms as an Argument for Subjectivism. In Ochieng'-Odhiambo, F., Roxanne Burton and Ed Brandon (eds.) (2008). Conversations in Philosophy: Crossing the Boundaries, 260-267. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
  47. Brandon, E.P. (2008g). Informal Reduction. In Alexander Hieke and Hannes Leitgeb (ed.) Reduction and Elimination in Philosophy and the Sciences: Papers of the 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium, 29-30; Kirchberg am Wechsel: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
  48. Brandon, E.P. (2008k). The Philosophy of Need, Round 3 . Shibboleths: Journal of Comparative Theory 3 (1) 1-7.
  49. Brandon, Edwin (2009e)*. Introduction. Educación Superior y Sociedad 14 (2) 7-10.

(d) Reviews

  1. Brandon, E.P. (1982e). J.A. Akinpelu: An Introduction to Philosophy of Education. Caribbean Journal of Education, 9, 152-160.
  2. Brandon, E.P. (1982f). Jonathan Harrison: Hume's Theory of Justice. Philosophical Quarterly, 32, 384-385.
  3. Brandon, E.P. (1989a). G. Haydon (ed.): Education and Values. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 21, 94-96.
  4. Brandon, E.P. (1995c). Donald R. Winkler, Higher Education in Latin America: Issues of Efficiency and Equity, Washington: World Bank, 1990. Caribbean Journal of Education, 17, 191-195.
  5. Brandon, E.P. (1998a). Roger P. Mourad, Jr.: Postmodern Philosophical Critique and the Pursuit of Knowledge in Higher Education. Philosophy in Review, 18 (3), 211-212.
  6. Brandon, E.P. (1999c). Richard Dien Winfield: The Just Family. Philosophy in Review, 19 (4), 301-303.
  7. Brandon, E.P. (2001a).  Anita Silvers, David Wasserman and Mary B. Mahowald: Disability, Difference, Discrimination: Perspectives on Justice in Bioethics and Public Policy. Metapsychology (website) 5 (9) from March 1, 2001.
  8. Brandon, E.P. (2001b). Dorothy Holland, Debra Skinner, and Carole Cain: Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds.   Metapsychology (website) 5 (23) from June 10, 2001.
  9. Brandon, E.P. (2001c). Paul Sheldon Davies: Norms of NatureMetapsychology (website) 5 (42) from October 18, 2001.
  10. Brandon, Ed (2002b). Julia Annas: Platonic Ethics, Old and New. Metapsychology (website) 6 (23) from June 4, 2002.
  11. Brandon, E.P. (2002f). William Sweet (ed.): The Bases of Ethics. Philosophy in Review, 22 (5), 382-383.
  12. Brandon, Ed (2003a). Thomas Nickles (ed.): Thomas Kuhn. Metapsychology (website) 7 (17) from April 25, 2003.
  13. Brandon, Ed (2003b). Joseph Rouse: How Scientific Practices Matter. Metapsychology (website) 7 (30) from July 22, 2003.
  14. Brandon, Ed (2004a). Barry Smith (ed.): Liberal Education in a Knowledge SocietyMetapsychology (website) 8 (4) from January 19, 2004.
  15. Brandon, E.P. (2004c). Dale Jacquette: Ontology in Philosophy in Review 24 (2), 128-130 (April 2004). (pdf version.)
  16. Brandon, Ed (2004e). George Yancey (ed.): The Philosophical I. Metapsychology (website) 8 (24) from June 10, 2004.
  17. Brandon, Ed (2004f). Mark C. Murphy (ed.): Alasdair MacIntyre. Metapsychology (website) 8 (38) from September 15, 2004.
  18. Brandon, Ed (2005a). Matti Sintonen, Petri Ylikoski and Kaarlo Miller (eds.): Realism in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Metapsychology (website) 9 (4) from January 25, 2005.
  19. Brandon, Ed (2005d). Nel Noddings: Happiness and Education. Metapsychology (website) 9 (29) from July 19, 2005.
  20. Brandon, Ed (2005g). Peter Achinstein (ed.): Science Rules. Metapsychology (website) 9 (45) from November 10, 2005.
  21. Brandon, Ed (2006a). Gary Gutting (ed.): Continental Philosophy of Science. Metapsychology (website) 10 (9) from February 28, 2006.
  22. Brandon, Ed (2006b). Commitment or Public Relations? A Review of R. Brian Howe and Katherine Covell: Empowering Children: Children's Rights Education as a Pathway to Citizenship. IJEDICT 2 (1) (on-line journal).
  23. Brandon, Ed (2006e). Jan Golinski: Making Natural Knowledge: Constructivism in the History of Science. Metapsychology (website) 10 (30) from July 25, 2006.
  24. Brandon, Ed (2006f). Laurence Wolff, Juan Carlos Navarro and Pablo González (eds.): Private Education and Public Policy in Latin America. IJEDICT 2 (3) (on-line journal).
  25. Brandon, Ed (2007b). Review of Soran Reader (ed.) The Philosophy of Need. Shibboleths: Journal of Comparative Theory 1 (2), 129-133.
  26. Brandon, Ed (2007c). Stephen H. Kellert, Helen E. Longino, and C. Kenneth Walters (eds.): Scientific Pluralism. Metapsychology (website) 11 (12), from March 20, 2007.
  27. Brandon, Ed (2007d). Susan Haack: Defending Science - within reason: Between Scientism And Cynicism. Metapsychology (website) 11 (17), from April 24, 2007.
  28. Brandon, Ed (2007e). Galen Strawson et al.: Consciousness and Its Place in Nature: Does Physicalism Entail Panpsychism? Metapsychology (website) 11 (21), from May 22, 2007.
  29. Brandon, Ed (2007f). Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke, and David Shier (Eds.): Freedoom and Determinism. Metapsychology (website) 11 (26), from June 26, 2007.
  30. Brandon, Ed (2007i). Ronald N. Giere: Scientific Perspectivism. Metapsychology (website) 11 (41), from October 9, 2007.
  31. Brandon, Ed (2008c). Steven Horst: Beyond Reduction: Philosophy of Mind and Post-Reductionist Philosophy of Science. Metapsychology (website) 12 (14), from April 1, 2008.
  32. Brandon, Ed (2008d). Ophelia Benson and Jeremy Stangroom: Why Truth Matters. Metapsychology (website) 12 (20), from May 13, 2008.
  33. Brandon, Ed (2008h). Michael Rosberg: The Power of Greed: Collective Action in International Development, IJEDICT 4(2) (on-line journal).
  34. Brandon, Ed (2008i). Helen Abadzi: Efficient Learning for the Poor: Insights from the Frontier of Cognitive Neuroscience, IJEDICT 4(4) (on-line journal).
  35. Brandon, Ed (2009a). John White: Intelligence, Destiny, and Education: The Ideological Roots of Intelligence Testing, Metapsychology (website) 13 (6), from February 3, 2009.
  36. Brandon, Ed (2009c). Robert L. Park: Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science. Metapsychology (website) 13 (13), from March 24, 2009.
  37. Brandon, Ed (2009d). Ronald L. Numbers (ed.): Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and Religion. Metapsychology (website) 13 (21), from May 19, 2009.
  38. Brandon, Ed (2009f). David H. Lund: Persons, Souls and Death: A Philosophical Investigation of an Afterlife. Metapsychology (website) 13 (31), from July 28, 2009.
  39. Brandon, E.P. (2009i). Review of Jannis Kallinikos, The Consequences of Information. Shibboleths: Journal of Comparative Theory 3(2), 146-147.
  40. Brandon, Ed (2010a). Paul Sheldon Davies: Subjects of the World: Darwin's Rhetoric and the Study of Agency in Nature. Metapsychology (website) 14 (7), from February 16, 2010.
  41. Brandon, Ed (2010b). Craig Bourne: A Future for Presentism. Metapsychology (website) 14 (20), from May 18, 2010.
  42. Brandon, Ed (2010e). Andrew S. Mason: Plato. Metapsychology (website) 14 (47), from November 23, 2010.
  43. Brandon, Ed (2011). G.A. Cohen: Why Not Socialism? Plurilogue (website) from November 2011.
  44. Brandon, Ed (2012a). W.G. Runciman: Great Books, Bad Arguments: Republic, Leviathan, and the Communist Manifesto. Plurilogue (website) from July 3, 2012.
  45. Brandon, Ed (2012b). Ronald de Sousa: Why Think? Evolution and the Rational Mind. Metapsychology (website), 16 (27), from July 16, 2012.
  46. Brandon, Ed (2012d). Daniel Callcut (ed.): Reading Bernard Williams. Metapsychology (website), 16 (47), from November 20, 2012.
  47. Brandon, Ed (2013). Hilary Kornblith: On Reflection. Metapsychology (website), 17 (16), from April 16, 2013.

(e) Edited volumes

  1. Brandon, E.P., Broadfoot, P. & Leo-Rhynie, E. (eds.) (1988). From Research to Reflective Teaching, a special issue of the Caribbean Journal of Education, 15, nos. 1 & 2
  2. Brandon, E.P. and Nissen, P.N. (comps.) (1991). Proceedings of the 1990 Cross-Campus Conference on Education, UWI, Mona: Faculty of Education (ISBN 976-632-004-7), pp. iii + 313.
  3. Ochieng'-Odhiambo, F., Roxanne Burton and Ed Brandon (eds.) (2008). Conversations in Philosophy: Crossing the Boundaries, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press (ISBN 1-84718-630-0), pp. xi + 340.
  4. Stewart Marshall, Ed Brandon, Michael Thomas, Asha Kanwar and Tove Lyngra (eds.) (2008). Foreign Providers in the Caribbean: Pillagers or Preceptors? Commonwealth of Learning.
  5. Hazel Simmons-McDonald and Edwin Brandon (eds.) (2009). Educación Superior y Sociedad 14 (2), special issue on Caribbean higher education.

(f) To appear

(g) Manuscripts in preparation/submitted

(h) Unpublished thesis

  1. Brandon, E.P. (1986a). Bernstein's Sociolinguistic Codes: A Logical Analysis. Thesis submitted for the M.Sc. in Sociology, U.W.I., Mona, Sept. 1986.

(i) Lecture course material and other projects on the Web

  1. Ethics and Applied Ethics - PH19B now PHIL1902
  2. Greek Philosophy - PH19C now PHIL1903
  3. Epistemology and Methodology - PH29A now PHIL2901
  4. Philosophy of Language - PH38D now PHIL3804
  5. Metaphysics - PH39C now PHIL3903
  6. Philosophy of Education - ED20P now EDPH2016
  7. Symbolic Logic
  8. An on-line edition of the works of George Grote on ancient philosophy (on-going)

(j) Conference Papers

  1. 1981 "What's Become of Becoming?" short paper read at the Royal Institute of Philosophy conference on Space, Time, and Causation, University of Keele, Sept. 1981. (Cf. 1986b above.)
  2. 1983 "Unwillingly to School? A Note on Teacher Supply in Jamaica" read at the first Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Conference on Development Education, the Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1983. (Some material was incorporated in Brandon & Moriah, 1988 above.)
  3. 1984a "On What Isn't Learned in School" read at the second Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Conference on Development Education, Mona, Jamaica, August, 1984. (Cf. 1985a above.)
  4. 1984b "Ellipsis and Ideology" read at the Conference on Thinking, Harvard University, August, 1984. (Cf. 1987b above.)
  5. 1984c "Conditional Reasoning in Jamaica" (with Cortis Nolan) read at the Conference on Thinking, Harvard University, August 1984. (Cf. Nolan & Brandon, 1986 above.)
  6. 1986 "Deductive Reasoning Ability, Error, and Education" read at the First International Conference on Argumentation, the University of Amsterdam, June, 1986. (Cf. 1987c above.)
  7. 1987 "Gender and Competence in Deductive Logic"  read at the Women and Development Seminar, Mona, June 12th.
  8. 1989 "Subverting Common Sense: Textbooks and Scientific Theory" read at the First International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science in Science Teaching, Tallahasse, Florida, November 5-10th. (Cf. 1989b above.)
  9. 1992 "'Relevant experience' and the foundations of education" read at the second Biennial Cross-Campus Conference of the Faculty of Education, St Augustine, Trinidad, April. (Cf. 1995d above.)
  10. 1994a "Justification and inus conditions: a case study of Gutmann's argument for compulsory schooling" read at the 3rd conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam, June. (Cf. 1995b above.)
  11. 1994b "Citizen of the world: possibilities and limits" read at the International Network for Philosophy of Education conference, Leuven, August.  Abstract.
  12. 1997a "On Some Limits of Educational Tolerance" read in absentia at the Fourth Cross-Campus Education Conference at Mona, Jamaica, January.
  13. 1997b "Liberalism and Education in a Multicultural Context" read at the Philosophy, Education and Culture Conference at the University of Edinburgh, September 11-14th. Abstract. Revised version of paper (22K).
  14. 1998 "What's Wrong with God?" read at the Fourth conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam, June. (Cf. 1999b above.)
  15. 1999 "Disestablishing Marriage" read at the Fifth Cross-Campus Education Conference at St Augustine, Trinidad, April. (Cf. 2002a above.)
  16. 2001b "What's Wrong with Disability?" read at the Conference on the Social History of Medicine and Public Health in the Caribbean, UWI, Cave Hill, May 23-26, 2001.
  17. 2001c "Creolisation, syncretism, and multiculturalism" presented at the (Re)Thinking Caribbean Culture conference, UWI, Cave Hill, June 5-7, 2001. (Cf. 2006h above.)
  18. 2002c "Michael Williams and the Hypothetical World" read at the Fourth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Lund, Sweden, June 14-18. (Cf. 2002c above.)
  19. 2002d "Education as Second-Order" read at the Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Philosophy at Mansfield College, Oxford, June 28-30.
  20. 2002e "Philosophy as Bricolage", read at the Philosophy As Conference, London, November 28-30, 2002. (Cf. 2004b above.)
  21. 2003c "Sustaining a right to be in error?" read at the 21st World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, August 10-17 (cf. 2005i above).
  22. 2004d "Naipaul on believing the unbelievable", read at the Caribbean Philosophical Association conference, Bridgetown, Barbados, May 19-21. (Cf. 2006i above.)
  23. 2005b "The Anthropcentricity of Ethical Norms, or the Impossibility of a Copernican Revolution in Ethics", read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, March 31 (Word document). A revised version was later read at the 5th European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, Lisbon, August 2005. (Cf. 2008e above.)
  24. 2005c "Two Very Short Comments on A Very Short Introduction to Continental Philosophy", round-table contribution read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, April 1 (Word document).
  25. 2005e "Justice and the Yellow Pages" read at the XVIth International Symposium of the Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture, July 25-30, 2005 at Pyrgos, Greece. A revised version read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Colloquium, January 30, 2006. (Cf. 2005h above.)
  26. 2005f "Culture in the age of digital reproduction" read at the 17th International Conference of Philosophy: the Philosophy of Culture in the Age of Globalisation, at Samos (Pythagorion) and Patmos (Fourni), from 1st August until 7th August 2005. (Cf. 2006g above.)
  27. 2006c "Round table on D.A. Masolo's African Philosophy in Search of Identity" contribution read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium II, March 3 (Word document).
  28. 2006d "Development: the metaphor lives on" read at the Critical Perspectives on Caribbean Development Symposium: The Unanswered Questions of 'Development' in the Caribbean, UWI, St Augustine, April 20.
  29. 2007a "The Philosophy of Need, Round 3" read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Colloquium, January 29th.
  30. 2007g "Relativising Freedom and Responsibility" read at the 3rd Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, August 9th.
  31. 2007h "Is perspectivism realistic enough for science?" read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Colloquium, October 2nd.
  32. 2008a "On some limitations of institutional rationality" read at the 4th Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, February 29th.
  33. 2008f "Informal Reduction" read at the 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, on August 11th. (Cf. 2008g above.)
  34. 2008j "On the irrelevance of theory" read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Colloquium, October 7th.
  35. 2009b "On the impossibility of rational radical change" read at the Cave Hill Philosophy Colloquium, February 16th (Powerpoints).
  36. 2009g "Ethics in on-line learning" given at the Ethics day Workshop, UWI, Mona, August 14th.
  37. 2009h "Comment on Code's Ecological Thinking" read at the 5th Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, November 20th.
  38. 2010c "Does Objectivity Matter for the Meaningfulness of Life?" read at the 6th Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, November 19th.
  39. 2010d "Comment on van den Anker's Globalism manuscript" roundtable contribution to the 6th Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium, November 19th.
  40. 2012c "The Utility of Philosophy at St Augustine" roundtable contribution to the Caribbean Philosophical Association conference, St Augustine, Trinidad, July 21.

Other Publications

  1. Brandon, Ed (1981). Teaching Epistemic Responsibility. Science Journal (Association of Science Teachers of Jamaica)
  2. Brandon, E.P. (2003). New External Providers of Tertiary Education in the Caribbean, Report for IESALC.
  3. Brandon, Ed (2008b). Letter. The Reasoner 2 (2) 12.
  4. Brandon, E.P. (2010f). Dictionary entry: Alec Fisher, The Logic of Real Arguments. For Key Terms in Logic, ed. Jon Williamson and Federica Russo, Continuum.

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