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We offer globally-accredited degrees and courses taught by the region’s finest academics in world-class facilities.
Our aim is to provide you with a learning environment in which you can strengthen your skills as a self-directed learner and enhance your capacity to interact and collaborate with your peers, share experiences, challenge accepted ideas and build new knowledge.

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UWI Open Campus Belize
P.O. Box 229, Princess Margaret Drive
Belize City
Tel: (501) 223-5320, (501) 223-0484, (501) 223-3776
email: belize@open.uwi.edu
Courses on offer for Academic Year 2021/2022
- Administrative and Constitutional Law
- Advanced Counselling
- Advanced Keyboarding and Document Formatting
- Advanced Level Minutes of Meeting/Report
- Writing
- Advanced Level English
- Advanced Level Law
- Advanced Mediation Studies
- Advanced Office Management
- Advanced Supervisory Management
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- Auditing and Investigation
- Balloon Decoration
- Basic Accounting for Customs Officers
- Basic Administrative Office Procedures
- Basic Auditing Training for Customs Officers
- Belize’s Labor Law in a Day
- Budget for Managers and Entrepreneurs
- Budgeting for Non-Financial Managers
- Building High Performance Teams: Team Building
- Business Communication and Report Writing
- Business Communication and Writing
- Business Computer Applications
- Business Ethics
- Business Ethics and Interpersonal Skills
- Change Management
- Coaching for Managers and Supervisors
- Common Mental Health Disorders
- Community-based Care for Persons with Mental
- Disorders
- Computer Applications for Office
- Conducting the Performance Appraisal
- Conflict Resolution Management
- Constitutional and Administrative Law:
- Introduction
- Conversational Spanish
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Court Connected (Annexed) Mediation
- Court Etiquette and Court Procedures (Case Law)
- Creative Writing for Public Relations
- Crisis Communications
- Critical Thinking for Performance Management
- Customer Relations and Telephone Techniques
- Customer Service
- Customer Service and Ethics and Professionalism
- in the Workplace
- Developing the Entrepreneur in You!
- Developing Your Interpersonal Skills I
- Developing Your Interpersonal Skills II
- Development and Execution of Marketing and
- Sales Strategies
- Disciplinary Action: The Importance of
- Documentation
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Measurement and Evaluation
- Effective Business Communication
- Effective Business Writing Skills
- Effective Communication
- Effective Community Engagement &
- Communication
- English Course: Integrated English
- Practice/Communication
- Essentials of Effective Public Speaking &
- Presentation Skills
- Ethics and Professionalism in the Workplace
- Events Management
- Family and Divorce Mediation
- Family Law
- Finance for Non-Financial Managers
- Financial Management
- Generating Innovative Ideas, Maximizing Team
- Creativity
- Government Accounting and SMART STREAM
- Grammar & Report Writing
- Grant Proposal Writing
- Group Facilitation Techniques, Adult Learning
- Theory & Training Evaluations
- How to Communicate with Diplomacy, Tact, &
- Credibility
- How to Manage Stress: Stress Management
- How to Prepare a Budget
- Personal Computer Support and Maintenance
- Planning and Managing Public Relations
- Campaigns
- Principles and Practices of Coaching
- Principles and Practices of Youth Development
- Work
- Principles of Occupational Health and Safety
- Professionalism & Ethics in the Workplace
- Project Management
- Protocol and Management of Meetings
- Public Policy and Analysis
- Public Relations & Interpersonal Skills
- Public Speaking
- Report Writing: Introduction
- Roles & Responsibilities of the New Supervisor
- Human Resource Management
- Introduction to Computers
- Introduction to Corporate Law and Governance
- Introduction to Counselling Adolescents & Young
- Adults
- Introduction to Drawing
- Introduction to Graphics Design
- Introduction to Human Relations & Interpersonal
- Skills
- Introduction to Internal Communications
- Introduction to International Arbitration
- Introduction to Labour Law and Industrial
- Relations
- Introduction to Labour Law
- Introduction to Marketing
- Introduction to Mediation Studies
- Introduction to Online Public Relations
- Introduction to Public Relations
- Introduction to Records and Information
- Management
- Introduction to Sociology of Youth
- Introduction to Youth Development Work:
- Personal and Professional
- Introduction to Youth Governance and
- Participation
- Introductory Computing
- Job Classification and Compensation
- Management
- Leadership for the 21st Century
- Legal Secretary
- Logic and Problem Solving
- Management & Supervision
- Managing Risks and Threats
- Managing Your Personal Finances
- Maritime Collision and Prevention
- Marketing and Sales Promotion
- Media Relations
- Meeting Procedures and Management
- Mental Health Promotion and Prevention
- Disorders
- Mentoring for Managers and Supervisors
- Microsoft Office Applications
- Minutes of Meeting and Report Writing
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Monitoring & Evaluation: Results-based
- Management
- NGO Administration, Sustainability and
- Marketing
- Nursing Care of Patients with Mental Illness
- Office Management
- Organisational Behavior
- Organisational Development and Transformation
- Performance Appraisal Management
- Sales
- Shipping and Logistics
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Strategic Planning & Management
- Strategies for Critical Thinking
- Superior Customer Service
- Supervisory Management: The New Supervisor
- Team Building: Generating Creative & Innovative
- Ideas: Maximizing Teams
- Team Building: Group Dynamics
- The Art of Public Speaking
- Diseases of Aging (Community Mental Health)
- The Voice of Leadership
- Time Management
- Total Quality Management: The Human Side I
- Total Quality Management: The Human Side II
- Trial Preparation and Advocacy I, II & III
- Use of English I & II
- Workplace Ethics and Professionalism
- Writing and Analyzing Financial Reports