The UWI Global Campus at a glance
Fully Accredited
Our programmes have been rigorously evaluated, and we are proud of the esteem in which they are held and the high marks they consistently receive. The campus currently enjoys a full seven-year accreditation from the Barbados Accreditation Council.
Open and Available to all
We believe that the high-quality university education, research and services available at our institution should be open and available to all people who wish to reach their full potential inside and outside of the Caribbean region.
A Green Campus
The UWI is increasingly modelling eco-friendly sustainable practices in its policy, operations and research.
Highly-qualified staff
Our faculty consists of highly qualified tutors, lecturers and researchers drawn from local, regional and international backgrounds and diverse disciplines.
Relevant to the region
There is a strong emphasis on locating issues within a Caribbean contexts, and devising programmes that address national and regional challenges, making The UWI Global Campus the ideal educational institution for the region.
Campus Life
Notwithstanding the online nature of the campus, there is unparalleled campus life zealously preserved by the campus community of which sports and the Student Guild are just two outstanding examples.
Our campus by the numbers
Total enrolment (2020)
Total graduates (2020)
Teacher-to-student ratio
Percentage of teaching staff with PhD or higher
Physical Presence in 16 Countries Across the Caribbean
Number of research projects (2020)
Within the region, The UWI Global Campus is simultaneously a virtual campus with 42 physical site locations serving 17 English-speaking Caribbean countries.
The UWI: One institution, five campuses
The UWI Global: One campus, 17 Countries, 42 locations
Anguilla | Antigua & Barbuda | Bahamas | Barbados | Belize | Bermuda | British Virgin Islands | Cayman Islands | Dominica | Grenada | Jamaica | Montserrat | St.Kitts & Nevis | St.Lucia | St.Vincent & the Grenadines | Trinidad & Tobago | Turks & Caicos

Our History
The UWI was established in 1948 and had the foresight to create an extra-mural department within the University to provide the Caribbean community with essential outreach services.
Our Leadership
As The UWI moves into a new era of growth and transformation to address the issues of becoming a truly global institution, the role of the Global Campus must now be pivotal.
The Global Campus of the University of the West Indies is based on the idea that the high-quality university education, research and services...