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Course Exemptions for Credits Already Earned

Submitted by erica.robinson on

Dear Students,

Please note the following excerpt from page 38 of the 2022/23 Undergraduate Student Handbook.

“The granting of exemptions (and credits) for non-UWI programmes must be based on equivalency to courses in each degree option. If a course, already completed successfully, is the same as that to be pursued at a particular level, a student may receive exemption from that course. In keeping with The UWI’s policy, exemptions (and credits) will only be granted for courses that have been successfully pursued within the last five (5) years. Credit exemptions do not count towards the GPA.”

The exemption requests forms and other important forms can be found on the Student Portal (log into the Portal, navigate to the Student Resources tab).

For guidance on exemptions and the process, please write to

Submitted by Gary-Ann Bryan (not verified) on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 14:54

1. I am kindly asking for the approved exemption listing please. I cannot seem to find it anywhere.
2. When I was at UWI Mona Campus I completed the course FOUN 1014 Critical Reading and Writing in Science and Technology and Medical Science. Do I still have to do FOUN 1001 English for Academic Purposes and FOUN 1501 Foundation for Learning Success?

Submitted by Lubia Hilaire (not verified) on Wed, 09/13/2023 - 11:13

Why isn't ABE on the approved exemption listing?

Submitted by Roselle Leacock (not verified) on Mon, 07/29/2024 - 12:04

Good day, how do I access the list of institutions for course exemptions ? I am unable to find it...I am.also unable to access the student handbook as it is saying page not found.

Submitted by Sumier Sookdeo (not verified) on Fri, 09/13/2024 - 17:26

If I have a 1 in cxc english A and a certificate in Communications is it possible to get an exemption from doing the foundation course English for academic purpose?

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