Meeting of the UWIDEC
Academic Programme Committee
held on Wednesday,
October 22, 2003
at the Cave Hill
Professor Lawrence Carrington Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Board for
Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education
Ms Edith Bellot Representative,
Resident Tutors (E Caribbean)
Mr Tommy Chen Telecommunications
Mrs Souzanne Fanovich Site Co-ordinator, UWIDEC, St. Augustine
Ms Stephney Ferguson University Librarian
Mrs Erica Grainger Administrative Assistant, Finance
Ms Christine Marrett Campus
Co-ordinator, Mona
Ms Vilma McClenan Academic
Programme Co-ordinator
Ms Gloria Morgan Representative
FHE, Mona
Dr Krishna Murugan Curriculum
Development Specialist
Dr Lawrence Nicholson Representative, FSS Mona
Mrs Joy Pilgrim Deputy
University Registrar
Mr Carlton Samuels Director,
Information Technology
Professor W.H.E. Suite Representative, Faculty of Engineering
Dr Pedro Welch Student
Support Services Co-ordinator
Mr Matthew William Representative, Resident Tutors (NW
Mr E.P. Brandon Secretary
Ms Rosemary Jordan Administrative Assistant, OBNCCDE
Dr Ann Marie Bissessar Representative, FSS St Augustine
Dr Olabisi Kuboni Campus Co-ordinator, St Augustine
(on leave)
Dr Majeed Mohammed Representative,
Dr Iyare Sunday Representative,
FSS Cave Hill
The Chairman
welcomed members to the second meeting of the UWIDEC Academic Programme
Committee (APC), and in particular Dr Lawrence Nicholson who had been unable to
attend the first meeting.
The proposed
agenda was accepted.
The Minutes of
the meeting of 24 March 2003 were confirmed with the following corrections:
a. All instances of “Chairman” to be replaced with
b. In minute #9, the second sentence to begin “The
APC lacked the disciplinary rootedness of a Faculty…”.
Proposed Ferguson, seconded Chen.
4. The Chair indicated that it had been decided to use the same membership as for the inaugural meeting, but that the necessary adjustments will be made in time for the next meeting.
on “double counting” (minute 15)
5. The Chair introduced Paper 1, which reported on his action subsequent to the decision recorded in Minute 15. He was pleased to report that the Board for Undergraduate Studies had formally indicated its agreement with the position advocated by the Committee (that exemptions should be based simply on the courses a person had passed and not be affected by their normal or lower level matriculation status) and had undertaken to revise the relevant regulations accordingly.
6. The Deputy University Registrar cautioned that the Board for Undergraduate Studies had not set an effective date for implementation since regulations had to be drafted and approved. The question was raised of how Site Co-ordinators should advise students who might be affected. It was agreed that Site Co-ordinators should compile a list of students who might benefit from the new dispensation, with full documentation derived from the registries and their own records. These data should be sent via the Student Support Services Co-ordinator to the Chair of the Board for Undergraduate Studies who might exercise her discretion in implementing the new provision. The Chair undertook to inform all Site Co-ordinators of this decision as a matter of urgency.
on regular meetings of site co-ordinators (minute 32)
7. The Chair referred to Paper 6 which would be taken in due course as indicating the action he had taken in response to the desire expressed in minute 32 for a resumption of regular meetings of Site Co-ordinators. It reported on a meeting held on October 8th; a second meeting was scheduled for December 11th.
on appointing a new Director and other staff in the DEC
8. The Chair reported that advertisements had been placed for a new Director for the DEC, applications had been received, and the process of appointment was moving ahead. Advertisements for a Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Finance Officer, and Programme Co-ordinator had also been published.
of APC meetings
9. The Chair reported that F&GPC had agreed that the APC should count as a University meeting, so that the costs of participation in it should be met from normal departmental budgets. He undertook to provide the relevant minutes to any member’s Head of Department who might wish to see them.
10. The Chair indicated that two later papers, P7 and P8, also dealt with follow up action since the previous meeting.
Technology matters in the DEC
11. The Chair asked Mr Chen and Mr Samuels to comment on certain topics in P2, which reported on Information Technology developments within the DEC.
relay network
At the time of writing P2, there had still been a dead-lock in relations
with Cable & Wireless with respect to claimed arrears for a frame relay
network. Mr Chen reported that
subsequently the company had agreed to separate implementation of a new system
from the dispute over arrears. He
indicated that the frame relay system would provide an increase in bandwidth and would also permit
intercampus phone links. It would also
allow the UWI to know how much time was being spent on the system.
Mr Samuels
indicated that there was deep concern at the claims being made by Cable and
Wireless for services that seemed not to have been provided.
The DEC network and local ISPs
Mr Chen
drew attention to the fact that many University Centres used local ISPs,
originally for their own office connectivity, in addition to being part of the
DEC intranet. Given the slow speed of
the latter, some of them used local ISPs for their DEC computer labs. It was noted that this would make it impossible
for these computers to access library databases. Mr Samuels stressed that the solution was to get increased
bandwidth for the DEC network. Although
some students have access to highspeed connections, the DEC must strive to
provide a good service for those dependent on its resources.
Computer hardware and software upgrades
Mr Chen
reported that funds had been made available by the University Bursar that could
be used to underwrite a much-needed upgrade of DEC hardware and software. The Chair undertook to work with Mr Samuels
and Mr Chen to take this forward.
respect to Excel spreadsheets of student registration data, Mr Chen noted that
updates would be needed. A request for
updated information would be sent at the end of the month.
Mr Chen
reported that University Centres were now making use of a facility to download
files and also to obtain mp3 recordings of teleconferences. They were also making considerable use of a
Web calendar that contained the schedule for teleconferences. Some security issues remain to be solved.
Links between DEC and Campuses
Committee heard of several respects in which the needs of the DEC were being
overlooked in the implementation of campus-based systems. On the other hand, it was impractical for
the DEC to become its own ISP, it needs to piggy-back on campus provision for
such things as Campus Pipeline, but these systems need to be organised globally
as unified systems and not separately at each campus. Similar issues arose for the implementation of Web-CT separately
at each campus. Mr Samuels expressed
the hope that the Student Information System would prove the benefits of a
unified system. It was agreed that the
Committee should lobby the campuses aggressively in pursuit of mutually
beneficial systems.
Mr Samuels
reported that the Mona campus had agreed to fund developments at various
intra-Jamaica sites, but that funding non-campus country sites remained a
Computer literacy
Mr Samuels
noted the need to train some students in the use of IT resources. It was agreed that he should consult with
the Director of the School of Continuing Studies on how to address this need.
Technology matters in the University
21. In the absence of P3, the Chair asked Mr Samuels to report on other Information Technology matters in the University. Mr Samuels indicated that his Unit was reviewing the University’s entire spending on Information Technology. It was attempting to integrate systems across the University and the Centre offices. The Banner system was intended to be working for applications and admissions by November 2003.
access in the non-campus countries
22. The Chair welcomed the report in P4a of the successful implementation of access to various databases for sites on the DEC network.
23. The University Librarian noted that the Library has investigated the possibility of accessing e-books, but so far the suppliers had not provided a good match with student needs and had been very expensive and inflexible.
to Campus Libraries by SCS students
24. The Chair expressed appreciation to the University Librarian for the developments so far in providing library access to students and staff of the School of Continuing Studies (reported in P4b), and indicated that he would continue to press for greater flexibility.
from the Campus Units of the DEC
25. The Chair invited Campus Co-ordinators to comment on specific issues identified in their reports (Papers 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d).
and revision of course components
26. Dr Murugan indicated a range of issues that need to be addressed with respect to the regular review and revision of course components. The Committee observed that several elements that had been intended from early on (peer review, course evaluation, etc.) had not been implemented consistently. If they had been, they would help answer some of the general questions raised by P5a. It was agreed that the DEC should set up a small team to work on these issues and prepare proposals for the way forward.
the instructional package
27. Dr Murugan and Mr Chen adverted to the desirability of moving our present course materials, and exemplary face-to-face and teleconference sessions, on to CDs. An immediate problem, however, was the lack of resources, given that all present human resources were needed to maintain the existing system.
28. Mr Samuels drew the attention of the Committee to the fact that his Unit at Mona has facilities for the production of CDs and DVDs. He stressed that CDs would provide a cheaper distribution system.
29. There was some discussion of the JIT-L system. Members stressed the enthusiasm of some staff to adopt it quickly and argued that if this were not done people would see it as another good idea that had been abandoned. The Chair replied that, while such enthusiasm must be encouraged and directed to bringing others on board, it was also imperative that implementation be undertaken deliberately, with attention to programmatic needs and with evaluation mechanisms in place. He noted that Dr Murugan was acting temporarily as Co-ordinator of the project, until such time as a Director of the DEC is appointed. Mr Samuels reported that the Department of Advanced Nursing Education had expressed an interest in using the technology, which his Unit was pursuing.
digital learning policy
30. The main point here was to stress that the University must first decide what it wishes to achieve by going digital and use that to ground decisions about the means to be employed. At the moment the campuses are starting from commitments to particular platforms, without taking account of the costs involved — Mr Samuels was adamant that the University could not afford wholesale adoption of Web-CT, for instance. It was agreed that the committee should make its voice heard in campus and University decision-making on these issues.
31. The Committee noted that the DEC had joined international associations devoted to the furtherance of quality issues and that groups within it had begun consideration of issues relating to quality as it pertains to distance and online learning. It was agreed that these groups should be formally organised and should invite the participation of members of the Quality Assurance Units so that proposals could be drawn up for the quality audit of DEC provision and of non-DEC online provision. The Chair noted that the two other Boards had endorsed the point already. Mr Samuels reported that his own Unit had begun work along the same lines; it was agreed that this should be harmonised with the work of the DEC.
32. Mr Chen drew attention to the continuing problems caused by the proximity of registration to course start-up for the delivery of materials. There was some discussion of the need to make registration (and in consequence the processes of application and selection) continuous throughout the year and of the difficulties created by the Bursaries in particular for so doing. The Committee noted that UWIDEC would be able to implement such a continuous system, and it assured Ms Bellot that such a system would not prejudice mature students: qualified students would be accepted as they applied, whatever the basis for their qualifying. It was also noted that in clear cases this should be an administrative decision, not one referred back to the Faculties.
33. One solution proposed to the delivery problem was that materials be printed at the sites, rather than centrally. Facilities to allow this were part of the CUPIDE project. It was noted that all sites need access to student numbers; this should be available in the Banner system. It as noted that currently there were technical problems with diagrams etc. in files sent out for local printing, but it was a simple matter to solve these. Mr Chen noted that the idea of distributed printing was not in conflict with another proposal for “single source publishing”.
34. Mr Chen noted that a rental had not yet been worked out with bpTT. It was noted that the site is not restricted to staff of bpTT. The Chair warned of the difficulties that might arise, as had done in the case of Tobago. He reminded the meeting of a similar arrangement in Nevis, for which a Memorandum of Understanding was being prepared. It was noted that the whole question on non-UWI sites needed urgent attention. A paper should come to the next meeting.
and Intellectual Property issues
35. It was agreed that the DEC should work on an acceptable legal framework for its movement towards online delivery, and on form contracts for the various forms of work and revision that was being anticipated.
of Learning Management Package
36. The Committee agreed that it was opposed to any platform that is not scalable at an affordable price. It noted that there were contractual obligations pressuring the Mona use of Virtual-U, but this situation ought not to have arisen.
A report from a meeting of DEC Site Co-ordinators
(October 8th, 2003) to the UWIDEC Academic Programme Committee
Committee noted P6, a report of a meeting of Site Co-ordinators on October 8th.
Proposals for action
The Chair reported that P7 had already been submitted to the two Boards
in question. While favourably inclined
they had both raised issues on which he would seek to re-assure them. He agreed that the suggestion of
implementing the new system in 2004 was a target that may have to be postponed. The Committee noted the need to take the
transition slowly and carefully, not least to minimize student discomfort.
A proposal for provisional entry to DEC programmes
The Chair reported
that Paper 8 had also been transmitted already to the Board for Undergraduate
Studies and that that Board had accepted its proposal.
The Committee noted
that provisional status will require careful tracking on the part of the
UWIDEC. It also observed that when
courses taken as a provisional student have credit, that credit would carry
over to the student once normalized.
E-mail submission of coursework
The Chair
reported that P9, a proposal for allowing the e-mail submission of coursework,
had been based on consultations within the DEC. The Committee endorsed the proposal and agreed to transmit it to
the Board for Undergraduate Studies and the Board for Graduate Studies and
Research. The Deputy University
Registrar suggested that it might require an addition to the present paragraph
29 of the Examination Regulations and may require a change to #51.
The Chair
invited Mr Brandon to introduce P10, a proposal for posting APC Papers and
Minutes on the Office’s website. The
Committee agreed to take the matter forward, noting the need for a disclaimer
on the website that statements in such papers are not necessarily decisions of
the University.
Projection of future
work of the APC
43. The Chair noted that most issues here had been identified in the discussion of Papers 5a-d. These, and other issues identified by the Committee that required immediate work, were:
Review and
Revision of DE material
assurance policy
and records generally
The choice
of a learning management system
inclusion of UWIDEC in Campus Pipeline
of policies agreed for the new UWIDEC system
Property issues.
The Chair
observed that Professional development for DEC staff and the promotion of
Research were topics for internal DEC action.
45. The Committee noted P11, matters from the last meeting of the Board for Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education.
46. The Chair observed that his Office was not yet in a position to present a draft Memorandum of Understanding for the Nevis site.
47. There was some discussion of the scope of the Board’s responsibility (arising out of Minute 74 and the Appendix to the paper). Professor Suite drew attention to various activities in the Faculty of Engineering that might well be considered distance education but which had not been formally sent to the Board for NCC/DE.
48. It was noted that the documents used by the two other Boards regarding programme approval need to be revised. It was agreed the Committee would write to the Boards concerned.
49. The Deputy University Registrar noted that the APC did not need to replicate all Campus committees; in particular, the Banner system virtually obviated the need for Boards of Examiners.
Matters arising from
the Minutes not otherwise taken
Library staffing in the SCS (#28)
The Chair noted
that he would soon be in touch with the University Librarian on ways to use the
very small new budgetary provision for library staff.
Consultations with staff in DEC (#31)
The Chair
indicated that these discussions would begin very soon.
The chair
reported that the next meeting is scheduled for 2.30pm on March 12. Observing the time given, he would look into
the possibility of moving it to March 11th.
Special dispensation for an Education student
Ms Bellot
reported the decision of the School of Education at Cave Hill to admit a
student to the BEd programme who needed a waiver of the regulations.
Upgrading Library staff
Ms Bellot
enquired to what extent library staff could receive upgrading. The Chair indicated that this issue related
to the use of the funds referred to earlier about which he will be in touch
with the University Librarian.
Payment for tutors
Dr Nicholson
adverted to a problem caused by the late payment of tutors at Mona. The Chair suggested he ask Ms Marrett to
take it up with the Mona authorities.
Office of the Board for Non-Campus Countries
and Distance Education
October 23, 2003,
corrected 14 April 2004 last revised 14 April 2004.