The Self-Study Team will be responsible for:
a. Leadership and direction for the self-study process and site visit planning
b. Oversight, collaboration and coordination of the Steering Committee
c. Preparation of self-study report and executive summary (writing and layout design)
d. Architecture of self-study report
e. Directing data/evidence compilation and collection
f. Communication with PVC, Management Committee
g. Internal and external communications about the self-study
h. Final review and determination of design of self-study report
i. Development of resource room
j. Lead preparation of institutional response to review report
Members of the Committee
Dr. Luz Longsworth (Chairperson)
Pro Vice-Chancellor & Principal
Prof. Julie Meeks (Deputy Chairperson)
Deputy Principal

Dr. Denise Gaspard-Richards
Director of Academic Programming & Delivery (APAD) Division
Dr. Francis Severin
Director of OCCS
Mr. Lincoln Williams (Until July, 2018)
Director, Consortum for Social Development and Research (CSDR)/Open Campus Academy of Sports

Prof. Emerita Vivienne Roberts
Former Deputy Principal, Open Campus
Dr. Pamela Dottin (Accreditation Coordinator)
Quality Assurance Officer