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Special Projects

    - The Lancet Series

Situation of the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Jamaica

The CCDC recently completed a baseline study on the Situation of the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Jamaica.

The study, undertaken on behalf of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN), a specialized arm of the Organization of American States is part of a larger  programme of the IIN/OAS and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for “The  Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in the Inter-American System”. The  general objectives were “To compile information and carry out a strategic analysis of public policies, regulatory frameworks and institutionality addressing matters related to children, which will make it possible to identify those settings which are in need of technical support in order to develop further, according to the existing situation regarding children’s rights.”


The specific objectives were:

1. To describe and analyze public institutionality available in the country, with which to address the promotion and protection of children’s rights (universal, special and restorative policies), with regard to their characteristics, operation, powers and interrelations;

2. To describe and analyze the regulatory framework which regulates and guides the action of public policies for children;

3. To identify the state’s fields of action with regard to children’s issues, requiring support and technical assistance in the areas of child participation, national plans, rights monitoring systems and the promotion of children’s rights through the media.

4. To identify the various actors who operate in the implementation and development of public policies for children and describe their interrelations; and

5. To identify and describe the indicators (quantitative and qualitative) available in the country in order to gather information and typify the situation of children’s rights.

The assessment focused on the 6 theme areas of  –   Legislative Development;   National Plans and Policies;  Child Participation; Independent Monitoring Mechanisms; Qualitative and Quantitative Indicators; and Children’s Rights in the Media.  The methodology included desk review, key informant interviews, focus groups (adult and children) and a workshop.

The general indications of the findings included -

 - Limited resources both financial and human

 - Lack of implementation of programmes/policies

 - Absence of proper monitoring and evaluation programs/systems

 - Deficiency of capacities (i.e. training, know-how, familiarity with topic, etc.)

 - Duplication of tasks

Click here to view the full report.