This course is the third and final in the series of core YDEW courses focused on developing effective and reflective practitioners. The course will introduce students to skills which support collaborative practice as an essential part of YDW. Students will be introduced to the concepts of partnership and professional networking and will explore the actors involved at international, regional, national and local levels. Students will map the youth sector in the region and in their country, taking account of issues related to legislation, policy, programmatic approaches, organisational structures and occupational health. They will identify and discuss the roles of other professionals who work with youth and learn how to refer youth to the appropriate professionals in other areas. They will also explore and apply skills in networking and partnership-building with other actors including community leaders and parents. Students will develop and apply new skills in the mobilisation of funding and technical assistance for youth development projects and programmes through proposal writing for a variety of partners, planning and facilitation of meetings at various levels and negotiating with international and government partners. Students will update their Learning and Professional Development Journal based on their experience of Level III courses, making special note of potential areas for networking and partnership-building in their intended area of work.
YDWCYP0574: Develop networks to support the national youth development agenda
YDWCYP0624: Optimise resource mobilisation opportunities to support youth development work
YDWCYP0734: Network with other stakeholders to ensure sustainable national parenting education strategy
YDWCYP0754: Coordinate the implementation of youth development programmes
YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people
YDWCYP0363: Plan and conduct high level meetings
YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner