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The course is designed to help participants deliver the best outcomes for their pupils as they learn to plan strategically for their respective schools. Participants engaged in this course will be introduced to the process of developing a vision and mission for the school and using these in strategic choice as they seek to make the most of the school’s resources. They will further be introduced to other processes and principles involved in strategic management such as the strategic management process, developing a strategic plan, and strategic implementation and analysis.
This course is designed to facilitate participants’ understanding of the school as an organization and the organization of schools. Issues in the management of the school organization such as power and leadership, managerial behaviours, and managing change are discussed.
The course is designed to equip participants with knowledge and skills related to the use of ICTs for educational purposes. Participants will participate in hands-on activities in the use of resources such as productivity tools, web tools, email and other applications that can enhance school operations and process. They will also be exposed to issues relating to promoting technology integration in the school setting.
This course is designed to equip participants with knowledge and skills in decision making in school management. They will be helped to understand the nature of decision making, approaches to decision making, ethics-based decision making and data driven decision making, among other things.
This course is designed to prepare school managers to facilitate the development, management, and analysis of the curriculum in their respective schools. Central to this will be learning to manage the teachers and other staff who are directly responsible for implementing the curriculum.

This course is the third and final in the series of core YDEW courses focused on developing effective and reflective practitioners. The course will introduce students to skills which support collaborative practice as an essential part of YDW. Students will be introduced to the concepts of partnership and professional networking and will explore the actors involved at international, regional, national and local levels. Students will map the youth sector in the region and in their country, taking account of issues related to legislation, policy, programmatic approaches, organisational structures and occupational health.  They will identify and discuss the roles of other professionals who work with youth and learn how to refer youth to the appropriate professionals in other areas. They will also explore and apply skills in networking and partnership-building with other actors including community leaders and parents. Students will develop and apply new skills in the mobilisation of funding and technical assistance for youth development projects and programmes through proposal writing for a variety of partners, planning and facilitation of meetings at various levels and negotiating with international and government partners. Students will update their Learning and Professional Development Journal based on their experience of Level III courses, making special note of potential areas for networking and partnership-building in their intended area of work.



YDWCYP0574: Develop networks to support the national youth development agenda

YDWCYP0624: Optimise resource mobilisation opportunities to support youth development work

YDWCYP0734: Network with other stakeholders to ensure sustainable national parenting education strategy

YDWCYP0754: Coordinate the implementation of youth development programmes

YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people

YDWCYP0363: Plan and conduct high level meetings

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

This course introduces students to the processes and techniques used in instructional design and the role of instructional designers. Students will develop the skills and competencies required for carrying out instructional design tasks such as conducting needs assessments, designing materials and developing evaluation instruments.
This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to effectively design and implement programme evaluation. Students will also be exposed to data analysis, preparation of programme evaluation reports, and ethical issues that may confront evaluators as they plan and conduct programme evaluations.
This course will guide students through a range of successful practices and guidelines based on research and experience, that will give them the opportunity to develop, practice and strengthen their communication (oral and written) and critical thinking skills. Students will also analyse and interpret data in meaningful ways for reporting in academic and work applications.
This course will allow students to examine the different models of needs analysis and performance analysis and their use in defining education, training and professional development. The course will also equip students to employ appropriate analysis approaches for enhancing human performance and professional knowledge and skills.