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Diploma in Youth Development Work

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The Diploma in Youth Development Work (Dip YDW) is an online programme that integrates theoretical perspectives with the practice of youth development work. This programme uses a sub-set of courses from the BSc in Youth Development Work. On completion of the Diploma, successful students may choose to use the Diploma as a terminal award or to transition to the degree programme.

Graduates of the Dip YDW programme will be equipped to perform technical, administrative and leadership functions in support of activities undertaken to promote youth development work in the public and private sectors; apply theoretical perspectives to the practice of youth work in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating youth development projects; mobilize stakeholders to identify, support and address the interests of the youth as articulated by them; and promote  networking and partnerships among youth-related agencies.

The Dip YDW is delivered online. Students must have access to a computer and internet service. Online orientation is conducted before the start of the programme.

The programme is offered in sixteen (16) countries across the Commonwealth Caribbean. Using a mix of guided online/web-based instruction, tutorials, seminars and face-to-face fieldwork exercises, it allows participants to interact with youth through professional placement with youth- or youth-serving organisations or via other specially arranged sessions. From the start of the programme, students are exposed to an integrated framework of traditional academic educational tools and professional training tools. The online offering will be designed to be accessible to students from home, office or at UWI centres/sites in each country.

Students will participate in a compulsory orientation to online learning that  covers the use of information technology and study techniques (see section on Academic Preparation below). In addition, students will receive face-to-face support from UWI centres/sites, particularly in the first year of study, to ensure a smooth transition for those new to online learning. A virtual academic orientation will be provided for students. Students will be able to meet with other students at UWI centres/sites and/or online for support and to participate in group exercises.


Who is this programme for?

The Dip YDW specifically targets:

  • Youth workers and volunteers who do not have formal qualification in youth development work but desire to pursue youth development work as a profession
  • Persons who are interested in enhancing and strengthening their competencies in order to design, develop and implement youth development programmes in their places of employment, or as volunteers in social and civic organisations and institutions e.g. schools, churches, places of safety, children homes, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), first line supervisors and trainers in government ministries/agencies, and private sector entities
  • Career changers who wish to specialize in youth development work (persons who already have a first degree and would prefer to take a short programme with specialized courses to develop the requisite competencies for their job position)
  • Specially Admitted Students, that is, persons who choose to take a single course to enhance their knowledge base and skills in the course chosen

Which careers do graduates pursue?

Graduates are likely to pursue careers in:

  • Government service
  • Civil service, including policing and teaching
  • Community development
  • Youth camp coordination and management
  • Youth organisation coordination and management
  • Youth policy development and implementation
  • Project and programme development and planning
  • Project and programme management and evaluation
  • Research in youth development


Programme Structure

The programme consists of 11 Core courses and 3 or more Electives. The Core courses yield 37 credits and the Elective(s) 8 - 23 credits. Students can take a minimum of 45 credits or a maximum of 60 credits. All courses are taken from the BSc YDW programme.  

How are course materials accessed?

Course materials will be available to students online for download. Students may, however, be required to obtain reference texts from reserved copies available in the UWI Library and/or University Sites/Centres or by personal purchase. Some courses may require students to purchase essential texts/resources. However, emphasis will be placed on readings from key journals (access provided online via the University or via open source websites) in order to help students keep up to date with research in youth development.

How are students assessed?

Students’ progress towards achievement of competence will be assessed continuously throughout the programme of study. In-course assessment will be the preferred mode of assessment for courses in years two and three rather than traditional final examinations. Individual written and oral assignments as well as performance in group exercises, practical tasks and field placements will be assessed. Students will submit assignments electronically or in oral presentations. The focus on building competence in effective and reflective practice requires that students prepare reflective journals, case studies and research projects which will enable them to critically assess their experiences of learning about and working with youth, youth organisations and other professionals in teams.

Completion Time

To complete the programme of study in the minimum of 4 semesters, students may take a minimum of 3 courses in the first and second semesters and 2 in the summer during the first year; and 3 courses in the first and second semesters of the second year. Another option is to take a maximum of 4 courses in any one semester. This is subject to the Programme Advising schedule provided for each academic year.


When will the programme start?

The programme starts in August of the academic year.


Entry Requirements

Applicants must meet the University’s normal matriculation requirements in order to be accepted in the programme. They must satisfy the requirements in either (a) or (b) below:

(a)    Holders of five (5) CXC-CSEC or GCE O’ Level passes or equivalent, not necessarily obtained at the same sitting as follows:

(i)      An acceptable pass in CXC-CSEC English (A), and

(ii)      An acceptable pass in CXC-CSEC Mathematics or its equivalent, and

(iii)     Three (3) other

(b)   Persons over the age of 21, who have been out of school for at least five years, on the basis of their overall academic and professional attainments.


How to apply

The Open Campus accepts online applications. Applicants must have an email account to begin the process. Log on to our website at and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the application form.


Academic Preparation

Prior to the start of the programme all new participants must take part in an orientation programme held in August of an academic year. This orientation introduces learners to online study and prepares them for the demands of a UWI Open Campus professional diploma programme.

Award Type

Course of Study

Level 1
Principles of Economics

This course introduces students to the basic tools and concepts of economics. Students will be exposed to the core principles of economics: the role of incentives; the idea of scarcity; how to measure the cost of a choice; what is a market; and the purpose of prices. Students will be introduced to the toolkit of methods used by economists. At the end of this course students should be able to engage the core principles of the methodology of economics in everyday use.

Foundations for Learning Success
Credits: 3
Introduction to Public Administration


Coursework - 40%

Final Exam - 60% (face-to-face)

Introduction to Psychology


Coursework - 25%

Final Exam -75% (face-to-face)

Introduction to Social Research
Introduction to Sociology

This course will introduce students to classical social theory through an understanding of the work of writers such as Auguste Comte, Max Weber, Karl Marx and George H. Mead. The main focus of this studying is to understand the central ideas of these writers and to reflect on the usefulness of their theory in contemporary Caribbean societies. This reflection will support students’ further investigations of the explanations given for issues on the front line of Caribbean societies’ development agendas. At the same time, students will learn about the central ideas and perspectives of writers such as Edward Kamau Brathwaite, M.G. Smith and George Beckford. The combination of classical and Caribbean schools of social inquiry will set the tone for a synthesizing of perspectives on race, class, gender, ethnicity and the family in society. This process will assist students with developing their theoretical base in social theory, as well as independent thought on happenings in Caribbean society.

Credits: 3
Youth Development Work: Introduction to Theory and Practice

This is the first of three core YDEW courses which focus specifically on developing effective and reflective practitioners. It is followed by YDEW2000 in Year 2 and YDEW3000 in Year 3. This course introduces students to the foundations of the profession by exploring the theoretical principles which underpin the concept of youth and youth development work through an exploration of the history of youth development work with special reference to the evolution of practice in the Caribbean. The course will examine definitions and labels attributed to youth including child, youth, juvenile, adolescent and young person and will highlight issues affecting special categories of youth. By engaging in study on the contemporary status of Caribbean YDW, students will understand the significance of professionalisation and competencies, the roles and responsibilities of the youth worker, the dynamics of working with youth individually and in groups, special ethical issues and current institutional values and organisational structures for YDW in the Caribbean. It will introduce students to the rights-based approach to youth development.  Students will begin a Learning and Professional Development Journal outlining their professional goals and objectives, which they will use and update as they progress through their programme.



YDWCYP0343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Sociology of Youth

The course will provide an opportunity for the student youth worker to position young people within Caribbean societal structures and understand the influence of social institutions on youth personal development. Students will engage in critiques of societal views and stereotyping of youth and will critique the development of youth culture and youth sub-cultures vis-à-vis violence, sexuality, technology, music and culture. Students will learn and apply skills in working with youth groups with specific reference to supporting positive identity formation among young people through practical group assignments involving young people who are associated with a diversity of sub-cultures. It will also reinforce the role of rights-based approaches to youth development by helping students understand the principles of human rights, including issues of equality, equity and freedom from discrimination, and apply them to youth development work. Students will engage in debates on issues within the contemporary Caribbean context which impinge on the rights agenda including socio-cultural constructions and responses to race, class, gender and religion.




YDWCYP0614: Design, develop and support the implementation of  community youth development programmes

YDWCYP0724: Manage implementation of youth peace building agenda

YDWCYP343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Contemporary Issues in Youth Development Work

This course will explore the main debates and issues of concern in Caribbean youth development work. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the complex interrelated themes of development which impinge on youth development and be able to offer a critical analysis of current youth affairs with respect to issues such as: globalisation and migration, the sociology of poverty and socio-economic development (education and unemployment), gender and sexuality, public health, crime, violence and citizen security, environmental protection and sustainable development, and sports and culture. Students will explore youth culture and youth sub-cultures in conducting their analysis of contemporary development issues and will be required to formulate recommendations and strategies to address youth development concerns.



YDWCYP0604: Design, develop and support the implementation of HIV/AIDS, STIs and related programmes

YDWCYP0714: Manage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among youth

YDWCYP0724: Manage implementation of youth peace building agenda

YDWCYP0684: Develop and implement protocols and procedures to safeguard the welfare of young people in youth development work

YDWCYP0694: Promote a culture of entrepreneurship among young people 

YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people

YDWCYP0373: Promote environmental protection and sustainable development

Youth and Sustainable Development

The course will introduce students to the main tenets of sustainable development and the relationship with principles of sustainable environmental management. Students will engage in debates on current environmental concerns such as the international climate agenda. They will learn how to raise awareness among youth about sustainable development, support the formation of youth environmental networks and advocate for youth participation in environmental decision-making.



YDWCYP0614: Design, develop and support the implementation of  community youth development programmes

YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0714: Manage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among youth

YDWCYP0744: Design, develop and support the implementation of programmes to enable young people to address their circumstances

YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people

YDWCYP0373: Promote environmental protection and sustainable development 

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Applied Social Research: Youth Research Project (Part 1)

This course introduces students to the theories and methods of Participatory Action Research (PAR). Building on skills in social research acquired at Level 1, students will be exposed to techniques utilized when promoting youth involvement in the research process. Researchers using PAR assist in the generation of ideas, information and understanding that will be used to inform social change. Students therefore will pay attention to Models of PAR, Ethical issues related to working with child participants (under 18 years old) and Social Justice (youth with special needs) among other issues pertinent to the PAR research process. Students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in research design and proposal writing. Students will also examine their acquired skills through the exploration of case study work.

Credits: 3
Applied Social Research: Youth Research Project (Part 2)

This course exposes students to the actual implementation of a Participatory Action Research (PAR) Project. Building on theoretical knowledge of PAR from Part 1, students will be expected to carry out a PAR Project with youth in an area of interest they have chosen. Student Researchers, with the supervision of the Course Coordinator and the support of a Site Supervisor will co-construct an understanding of an area youth are interested in improving/changing and conduct a PAR Project that will lead to improvements for youth. Students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in research design, proposal writing and project management through logic models.

Credits: 3
Level 1 Electives
Youth Governance and Participation

The course builds on the rights-based approach to youth development through a focus on the tools which can be applied to protecting and supporting the right of youth to participate in decision-making at all levels of society in matters which affect their lives. It will expose students to methods and strategies for assessing the needs and considering the protection of the rights of special vulnerable groups such as indigenous, differently-abled and other minority groups. Students will explore the relative merits, shortcomings and principles of approaches to youth-adult partnerships, youth leadership, mentorship and peer mentorship. Students will explore the principles underpinning advocacy for youth participation and the design of programmes for soliciting youth views on development issues and for youth mentorship.



YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0614: Design, develop and support the implementation of  community youth development programmes

YDWCYP0684: Develop and implement protocols and procedures to safeguard the welfare of young people in youth development work

YDWCYP0744: Design, develop and support the implementation of programmes to enable young people to address their circumstances

YDWCYP0343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 3
Management and Leadership Skills for Youth Development Work

This course will help students to develop specific managerial skills in order to display leadership in the implementation of youth projects and programmes and in youth organisations. Students will be introduced to different styles of leadership and management, tools for human resource management, motivation and team building. They will learn about theories of management in relation to self-management, time management, and management of resources including budgeting and monitoring expenditure. They will also examine principles of organisational behaviour and develop skills in managing change and encouraging adaptability in the working environment.




YDWCYP0634: Manage research projects

YDWCYP0664: Coordinate the implementation of youth development work projects

YDWCYP0714: Manage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among youth

YDWCYP0724: Manage implementation of youth peace building agenda

YDWCYP0754: Coordinate the implementation of youth development programmes

YDWCYP0624: Optimise resource mobilisation opportunities to support youth development work

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Health, Safety and Well-Being in Youth Development Work

The course engages in discussion of issues of health promotion among youth and youth workers. Students will be introduced to the concepts and principles of health, safety and well-being. They will learn to advocate for healthy lifestyles among youth and in the work place, paying special attention to Caribbean issues related to sexual reproductive health and STIs including HIV/AIDS, mental health and occupational health and safety.



YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0604: Design, develop and support the implementation of HIV/AIDS, STIs and related programmes

YDWCYP0674: Promote a culture of occupational health and safety in youth development work

YDWCYP0684: Develop and implement protocols and procedures to safeguard the welfare of young people in youth development work

YDWCYP0714: Manage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among youth

YDWCYP0744: Design, develop and support the implementation of programmes to enable young people to address their circumstances

YDWCYP0343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 3
Youth Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Livelihoods

This course will engage students in a study of the significance of a sustainable livelihoods approach to development in issues of socio-economic development for youth. It will explore issues related to building social and human capital for youth and discuss specific strategies for increasing youth employability, employment and entrepreneurship. It will also discuss the role of the business community in youth development through corporate social responsibility programmes. Special emphasis will be placed on promoting a culture of professionalism and entrepreneurship among youth. Student youth workers will also be able to identify business services available to youth in their countries.



YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0694: Promote a culture of entrepreneurship among young people 

YDWCYP0744: Design, develop and support the implementation of programmes to enable young people to address their circumstances

YDWCYP0343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 3
Youth and Sustainable Development

The course will introduce students to the main tenets of sustainable development and the relationship with principles of sustainable environmental management. Students will engage in debates on current environmental concerns such as the international climate agenda. They will learn how to raise awareness among youth about sustainable development, support the formation of youth environmental networks and advocate for youth participation in environmental decision-making.



YDWCYP0614: Design, develop and support the implementation of  community youth development programmes

YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0714: Manage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among youth

YDWCYP0744: Design, develop and support the implementation of programmes to enable young people to address their circumstances

YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people

YDWCYP0373: Promote environmental protection and sustainable development 

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Youth Development Work: Networks, Partnerships and Resourses
Youth Advocacy: Principles and Tools

This course will introduce students to the role, purpose and principles of advocacy in youth development. Students will learn how to conduct analyses of policies and legislation which address (or do not address) youth issues and to develop an advocacy agenda around gaps and weaknesses in existing frameworks, paying attention to the principles of equality, equity and human rights. Students will learn and apply advocacy skills using verbal and written communication tools in public education and awareness raising, networking and lobbying, paying attention to the differences in types of audience and the varied purposes of advocacy. Special emphasis will be placed on learning how to support youth and build their capacity to advocate for themselves and for others.


The course requires practical application of skills to the legislative and policy arenas. Having explored legislative and policy frameworks in the Caribbean related to the human rights and constitutional protection of children and youth, economic and social rights, juvenile justice, family law, children and youth policies, and the actors and stages of the legislative and policy formulation process, students will be expected to engage in a critical analysis of the National Youth Policy, where it exists in their country or other primary policy documents which govern youth development and to develop a Strategic Plan for networking and advocacy towards the revision and updating of legislation and policy.




YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0574: Develop networks to support the national youth development agenda

YDWCYP0584: Develop and implement national youth policy

YDWCYP0644: Develop a strategic plan

YDWCYP0684: Develop and implement protocols and procedures to safeguard the welfare of young people in youth development work

YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people

YDWCYP0343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0363: Plan and conduct high-level meetings

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 4
Youth Advocacy: ICTs in Youth Development Work

This course will provide students with the opportunity to apply advocacy skills to activities using advanced information communication technologies (ICTs). It will explore strategies for partnering with mass media organisations and will encourage students to strengthen their verbal communication and writing skills through introductions to effective use of social marketing, public presentations such as roundtable/panel discussions, media interviews, press releases, newspaper features and letters to the editor. Students will be expected to prepare a communications strategy for a selected stakeholder, using participatory and ICT methodologies. 



YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0574: Develop networks to support the national youth development agenda

YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people

YDWCYP0704: Develop communication strategy to support youth development work

YDWCYP0343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 4
Supporting Youth in Grief and Trauma

Students will learn and apply skills in providing support for mental, emotional and spiritual health by providing youth with direct, non-clinical counselling, advice or professional referrals. Students will be able to identify and respond to the special needs of youth with psychological, emotional or spiritual challenges, identify the symptoms of mental health challenges and develop professional attitudes necessary in working with youth suffering grief, loss and trauma.



YDWCYP0594: Coordinate and assess delivery of services to youth with special needs

YDWCYP0684: Develop and implement protocols and procedures to safeguard the welfare of young people in youth development work

YDWCYP0714: Manage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among youth

YDWCYP0744: Design, develop and support the implementation of programmes to enable young people to address their circumstances

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 3
Peace, Conflict Resolution and Mediation

This course will introduce students to the principles and methods in conflict resolution and mediation in order to enable them to support an agenda for peace in the Caribbean region. Students will engage in a study of the significance of peace to national and regional development. They will be trained as advocates for peace and as mediators, with skills in training youth as peer mediators. Practical application of mediation skills will be required through a mock training of a small group of youth in mediation and conflict resolution.



YDWCYP0564: Apply advanced advocacy skills

YDWCYP0674: Promote a culture of occupational health and safety in youth development work

YDWCYP0684: Develop and implement protocols and procedures to safeguard the welfare of young people in youth development work

YDWCYP0714: Manage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among youth

YDWCYP0724: Manage implementation of youth peace building agenda

YDWCYP0343: Promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 3
Strategic Planning and Programme Management for Youth Development Work

This course will assist students in building the requisite skills in strategic planning and programme management in the youth development sector. Students will be introduced to the stages of the planning, programme and project cycles and will learn how to conduct activities in each. Special attention will be paid to research and project identification, programme formulation and design, implementation using results-based management (RBM) and monitoring and evaluation. Students will be required to write specialised project documents which demonstrate their understanding of tools for effective project and programme management. They will also conduct an evaluation of a youth-serving project or programme, as a group exercise.



YDWCYP0594: Coordinate and assess delivery of services to youth with special needs

YDWCYP0614: Design, develop and support the implementation of  community youth development programmes

YDWCYP0624: Optimise resource mobilisation opportunities to support youth development work

YDWCYP0634: Manage research projects

YDWCYP0644: Develop a strategic plan

YDWCYP0654: Plan, coordinate and review service delivery in youth development work

YDWCYP0664: Coordinate the implementation of youth development work projects

YDWCYP0684: Develop and implement protocols and procedures to safeguard the welfare of young people in youth development work

YDWCYP0744: Design, develop and support the implementation of programmes to enable young people to address their circumstances

YDWCYP0754: Coordinate the implementation of youth development programmes

YDWCYP0764: Design, develop and support the implementation of new opportunities for the development of young people

YDWCYP0493: Work as an effective and reflective practitioner

Credits: 4
Working with Youth in Community and Organisational Settings (Part 1)

This course will raise students’ consciousness of youth in various life, work, and developmental contexts. Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of community development, with particular reference to the work of critical consciousness, appreciative inquiry and positive youth development theorists. They will examine how other people have worked in communities, and their theories about their work. There will also be an examination of institutions, community settings as well as settings in which ethnic, racial and religious minorities exist.

Credits: 3
Working with Youth in Community and Organisational Settings (Part 2)

This course requires practical application of research skills learned at Level I of study. It is a study of Working with Youth Community and Organizational Settings. Learners will be required to implement a short project with young people to address a primary concern raised in a context or setting of their choice. Learners will use participatory methods to do research and identify concerns and problems in the chosen setting; develop an action plan; implement and evaluate their actions and interventions and report on the outcomes of the intervention and reflect on their role in the process. Learners who are employed in the youth sector may pursue a project related to their professional role, provided both the academic and work supervisors grant permission. However, students are not obligated to undertake their project within their existing organization or work place.

Credits: 3