BSc Youth Development Work (2024/2025) | |
BSc Youth Development Work (Management Minor) (2024/2025) | |
BSc Social Work (2024/2025) | |
BSc Social Work (Youth Development Work Minor) (2024/2025) | |
BSc Psychology (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Psychology (Major)/HRM (Minor) (2024/2025) | |
BSc Political Science (2024/2025) | |
BSc Political Science with Minor in Economics (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Tourism and Hospitality Management (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Management Studies (2024/2025) | |
BSc. International Management (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Financial Management (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Entrepreneurship (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Human Resource Management (2024/2025) | |
Bsc Management Studies/Economics Minor | |
BSc Banking and Finance - Special (2024/2025) | |
BSc Banking and Finance - Compliance and Corporate Governance (2024/2025) | |
BSc Banking and Finance - Compliance and Corporate Governance Minor (2022/2023) | |
BSc Banking and Finance - Special - [ For Students Registered Prior to 2019/20 ] | |
BSc Banking and Finance - Compliance and Corporate Governance Minor - [ For Students Registered Prior to 2019/20 ] | |
BSc. Marketing (2024/2025) | |
B.Sc Accounting (2024/2025) | |
B.Sc. Sport Coaching (2024/2025) | |
B.Sc Sport Leadership and Management (2024/2025) | |
B.Sc Sport Leadership and Management (with Minor in Facilities Management) (2024/2025) | |
B.Sc Sport Kinetics (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Secondary Mathematics (Untrained Teacher / Model B) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Secondary Mathematics (Teacher Trained / Model A) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Secondary English (Untrained Teacher / Model B) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Secondary English (Teacher Trained / Model A) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Literacy (Untrained Teacher / Model B) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Literacy (Teacher Trained / Model A) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Educational Leadership and Management (Special) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Educational Leadership and Management (Major) (2024/2025) | |
B.Ed. Early Childhood Development & Family Studies (2024/2025) | |
BSc Sociology (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Sociology with a Minor in Marketing (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Sociology with a Minor in Human Resource Management (2024/2025) | |
BSc Economics (2024/2025) | |
BSc. Management Studies (Marketing) - [ For Students Registered Prior to 2020/21 ] | |
BSc. Management Studies (Entrepreneurship) - [ For Students Registered Prior to 2020/21 ] | |
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Associate Degrees, Diplomas & Certificates | |
| |
Associate Degree in Administrative Professional Office Management (2024/2025) | |
Associate Degree in Business Management (2023/2024) | |
Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies Programme (2024/2025) | |
Associate Degree in Social Work (2024/2025) | |
Diploma in Social Services (2024/2025) | |
Diploma in Business Administration | |
Diploma in Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) Instruction | |
Diploma in Public Sector Administration (2024/2025) | |
Diploma in Social Work (2024/2025) | |
Diploma in Youth Development Work (2024/2025) | |
Certificate Early Childhood Development & Family Studies (2024/2025) | |
Certificate in Climate Change | |
Certificate in Criminology (2024/2025) | |
Certificate in Human Resource Management (2024/2025) | |
Certificate in Social Work (2024/2025) | |
Certificate in Tourism Hospitality Management in the Caribbean (2024/2025) | |
Regional Certificate Programmes | |
NGO Professional Management Certificate | |