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Accreditation - Self-Study Process

Self-Study Process

The Self study process allows the Campus community to reflect on policies, processes and procedures and provides an ideal opportunity to assess their effectiveness in assisting the Campus to meet its objectives.

An effective self-study should:

  1. Fits the distinctive nature of the Open Campus
  2. Achieve stated goals that guide the design and the conduct of the process
  3. Ensure effective evaluation of the whole Campus
  4. Impact on the Open Campus after the review visit
  5. Engage multiple constituencies
  6. Build naturally on existing and ongoing self-evaluation processes
  7. Draw on the expertise and credibility of recognized leaders throughout the Campus
  8. Assist with the maintenance of regular and effective communication links within the Open Campus
  9. Produce evidence to show that the accreditation ageny's standards for accreditation are met
  10. Produce a self-study report that meets the accreditation ageny’s needs
  11. Testify to the Open Campus' commitment to peer review


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