WAND Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) Courses
1) The Basics of Financial Literacy for Households and Entrepreneurs
2) Gender Mainstreaming and Climate Change
3) Gender Analysis for Development Professionals
4) Introduction to Family Law in Select Caribbean Jurisdictions
5) Gender and Inclusive Planning for Development Professionals
6) Child Rights in Caribbean Development Planning
7) Human Rights in Caribbean Development Planning
8) Gender and the Project Cycle
The application form is currently closed for these courses however if you would like to be placed
on a waiting list for the next offering, please click below
Enhancing Equality, Inclusion and Diversity through Online Education

The Basics of Financial Literacy for Households and Entrepreneurs
This CPE course is designed to equip entrepreneurs, small business owners, self-employed persons, etc., with the necessary skills required to navigate the precarious financial times ushered in by the COVID-19 crisis. Participants will be taught the basics of financial planning, money management and saving, and financial forecasting and budgeting, which are necessary skills for surviving the crisis and beyond. Through the use of case studies and projects, learners gain hands-on experience in the strategic deployment of financial literacy.

Gender Mainstreaming and Climate Change
This CPE course will focus on building an understanding of how gender issues can be integrated into climate change and disaster management. Students will be equipped to identify the existing problems and concerns of men and women in regional and international communities as a result of climate change and disaster. The course will also introduce students to practical tools they can use to mainstream gender in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Gender Analysis for Development Professionals
Development planners and NGOs are increasingly committed to incorporating a gender perspective into their programmes. However, many face challenges in its practical and systematic application to their work. This CPE course will enable you to effectively and systematically analyse contexts and plan development and humanitarian programmes from a gender equality perspective.

Introduction to Family Law in Select Caribbean Jurisdictions
This CPE course will introduce participants to the core legal frameworks surrounding 6 topics in the law concerning familial relationships. Participants will be exposed to the way in which the law negates and develops rights and responsibilities with regard to core familial relationships. Such relationships should be identifiable and relevant to participants. By exposing participants to the basic legal frameworks, the course will assist in generating knowledge and understanding amongst participants of their legal rights and responsibilities, which should in turn assist with ensuring such rights are respected and upheld within local communities.

Gender and Inclusive Planning for Development Professionals
This Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) course explores inclusive development planning; shifting away from traditional methods of development planning processes, where categories of marginalised populations are often excluded. Focusing on underrepresented and historically marginalised groups, this course will demonstrate the importance of inclusion to the development planning discourse, while enhancing the work of development professionals through theoretical exploration and practical application that is rooted in gender, diversity and inclusion as principal constituents of analysis. .