Join the Women and Development Unit (WAND) as we partner with the UWI Museum and our sister Unit in the CSDR, UWI OpenCampus, the Social Work Training and Research Centre, for an online panel discussion on Caribbean Children in State Care and why context matters. Context matters in understanding how systems operate and the possible interventions are made to transform Caribbean society of which are supposed to be central. What does this look like for children in state care?
This is Panel 1 of a 3-part seminar series organised by the UWI Museum and will be held on April 21, 1 pm AST.
The series will provide snap shots exploring the diverse contexts that have shaped the experiences of Caribbean Children in state care, the policy responses of Caribbean governments and the interventions of practitioners and researchers to understanding the changing relationship between Caribbean children and Caribbean state.
Panel 1 will be streamed live from UWI Museum's Facebook page and features Dr Shani Roper (Curator, UWI Museum), Ms Taitu Heron (Head/Development Specialist, WAND UWI Open Campus), Ms Cerita Buchanan (Head, SWTRC), and Prof. Julie Meeks (Director, Graduate Studies and Research, UWI Open Campus).
Learners, development practitioners, change makers, policy makers and planners, researchers, lovers of knowledge, and advocates of children's rights and anyone in between... see you there!