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Giving to the Library


The University of the West Indies Global Campus Libraries and Information Services (GCLIS) welcomes gifts and donations of items which strengthen its collection and support the University's research and teaching programmes. Gifts are reviewed by the Acquisitions Librarian, or nominee, for addition to the collection. Disposition of gifts not added to the collection is at the discretion of GCLIS. For large collections we would be happy to vet a list of the items on offer. Gifts are presumed to be given without conditions. Any conditions placed on material offered to GCLIS must be negotiated before transfer to GCLIS. To make your donation to GCLIS please contact our GC Libraries

Donors are kindly asked not to inscribe nor attach donor notes, plates or other material to items on offer. These attachments may damage the item, obscure useful information, affect GCLIS processing, or impact on the value of the item. If desired, GCLIS will work with donors on a suitable note or plate.


To donate see list of required books with details.

The GCLIS is on a book drive and we look forward to your support. As we are all aware, for some time now our Campus has been experiencing financial difficulties which have been worsened by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This has had a deleterious effect on the collection development efforts of the GCLIS. We have been struggling to provide resources (print and electronic books) to support teaching and learning. This book drive is one strategy to help boost the collection. We are appealing to the generosity of our members of staff. You can participate in this effort by using your book grant or personal funds to purchase books that will be added to the Library’s collection.