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Staff Email Additional Information

Accessing Google Drive documents shared via your address.


  1. After receiving the email (Gmail Inbox) stating that someone has shared a document with you, click on “Open”.
  2. A window will popup asking you to verify your email, click on “Send”.
  3. You have two options here, either 
    1. Log into your Microsoft O365 account (Outlook) OR 
    2. Wait for the email to be forwarded to your Gmail account (this option is recommended).
  4. Navigate to your Gmail Inbox, open the email, copy and paste the verification code in the popup window then click “Next”
  5. You should now have access to the shared document.



  1. Verification is a one time thing.
  2. The document does NOT show up in the ‘Shared with me’ folder in your Google Drive, nor in the One Drive. The document will need to be bookmarked to your browser or link saved for future reference.