Archive for the Academic Programme Committee 

of the University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre

Welcome to the archive for the APC.  At its second meeting, it was agreed to maintain here all the Minutes and Papers of the APC for easy reference by interested parties.

Minutes and most Papers will be stored as pdf, html, or Word files.

Disclaimer with respect to unconfirmed Minutes: Such minutes represent an unofficial record of discussions;  the statements appearing therein are therefore not necessarily the decisions of the Committee and may not conform to the final and official records of the University. 

Disclaimer with respect to all Papers: These papers were circulated to members of the APC for discussions at its various meetings. The statements appearing therein are therefore not necessarily the decisions of the Committee and may not conform to the final and official records of the University.



Meeting of May 5, 2006

Meeting of September 16, 2005

No meeting


Meeting of May 6, 2005

Meeting of October 27, 2004


Meeting of April 2, 2004

Meeting of October 22, 2003


Meeting of March 24, 2003

Created: 9 March 2004; last revised: 18 August  2006.

© The University of the West Indies, 2004